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Season 05 of Amateur League ran from August to November, 2001.

Summary[edit | edit source]

Competing Teams : arwing[1], BALLISTICS, Bananas In Pyjamas, Birds Of Prey, Blasphemy, -BlitZed-, >Blood<, BUNNER, Carpe Jugulum, Celerity, Collusion[2], Encore, ESP, .foo.[3], Friendly Fire, Llamasery, monologic[4], No Data, red hawks, Secret, $kull, Spies, Starfire Elite, Unforeseen, Warlords, )(Master)(, X-Squad.
Champions: Encore. Runners-Up: BALLISTICS

Divisional Split[edit | edit source]

Teams were split into four divisions - or conferences - for the duration of the regular season.

Blue Gold Red Silver
Blasphemy Celerity Carpe Jugulum Birds Of Prey
>Blood< Friendly Fire Collusion
red hawks Secret encore ESP
Warlords Starfire Elite No Data Llamasery
X-Squad )(Master)( Unforeseen Spies

Results[edit | edit source]

Regular Season[edit | edit source]

Round 1 - August 5, 2001
Blue :
red hawks 12 def >Blood< 3
BALLISTICS 12 def X-Squad 1
Warlords 12 def Blasphemy 6
Gold :
Secret 12 def BUNNER 1
)(Master)( 12 def Starfire Elite 4
Celerity 12 def Friendly Fire 5
Red :
encore def monologic - NO-SHOW
Carpe Jugulum 12 def No Data 5
Unforeseen 12 def $kull 6
Silver :
Birds Of Prey 9 def Llamasery 7
Bananas In Pyjamas 12 def Spies 4
ESP 12 def -BlitZed- 8

Round 2 - August 12, 2001
Blue :'
>Blood< 12 def X-Squad 3
red hawks 8 def Blasphemy 7
BALLISTICS 12 def Warlords 5
Gold :
Secret 12 def )(Master)( 3
Celerity 12 def Starfire Elite 8
Friendly Fire 12 def BUNNER 3
Red :
No Data 12 def $kull 2
Carpe Jugulum 12 def arwing 3
encore 12 def Unforeseen 4
Silver :
Birds Of Prey 12 def ESP 5
Bananas In Pyjamas 12 def Llamasery 4
-BlitZed- 1 def Spies 9

Round 3 - August 19, 2001
Blue :
BALLISTICS 12 def red hawks 2
Blasphemy 12 def >Blood< 3
Warlords 12 def X-Squad 0
Gold :
Celerity 12 def BUNNER 4
Secret 12 def Starfire Elite 1
Friendly Fire 12 def )(Master)( 7
Red :
arwing def $kull - No-SHOW
Carpe Jugulum 12 def encore 5
Unforeseen 12 def No Data 1
Silver :
Bananas In Pyjamas 12 def ESP 7
-BlitZed- 12 def Birds Of Prey 5
Llamasery 12 def Spies 5

Round 4 - August 26, 2001
Blue :
BALLISTICS 12 def >Blood< 1
Blasphemy 12 def X-Squad 3
red hawks 12 def Warlords 8
Gold :
Celerity 10 def )(Master)( 8
Starfire Elite 12 def BUNNER 5
Friendly Fire 7 def Secret 5
Red :
encore 12 def $kull 1
Unforeseen 12 def Carpe Jugulum 7
No Data 10 def arwing 6
Silver :
Birds Of Prey 12 def Spies 4
Llamasery 12 def ESP 5
Bananas In Pyjamas 10 def -BlitZed- 8

Round 5 - September 2, 2001
Blue :
BALLISTICS 12 def Blasphemy 0
Warlords 12 def >Blood< 3
red hawks 12 def X-Squad 0
Gold :
)(Master)( 12 def BUNNER 5
Secret 10 def Celerity 9
Friendly Fire 12 def Starfire Elite 3
Red :
Carpe Jugulum def $kull - FORFEIT
encore 10 def No Data 4
Unforeseen 12 def arwing 2
Silver :
Bananas In Pyjamas 12 def Birds Of Prey 5
-BlitZed- 12 def Llamasery 8
Spies 12 def ESP 7

September 9, 2001 - Makeup Round.

Standings at this point were employed to determine Conference finalists. Unsure why standings at end-of-season weren't used. The remaining matches of the regular season seemed to be cross-division ones, suggesting that maybe they were exhibition games only. The four divisions, though, had an equal number of teams, so if there was some waiting to do it must have been for the conclusion of IML or Pro.

Round 6 - September 16, 2001
red hawks 12 def Celerity 3
Unforeseen 12 def Bananas In Pyjamas 7
BALLISTICS 10 def Secret 7
BUNNER 12 def X-Squad 1
-BlitZed- 4 def Carpe Jugulum 3
ESP def arwing - FORFEIT
Friendly Fire 12 def Warlords 5
X-Squad v BUNNER[5]
Spies 9 def Collusion 7[2]
encore 12 def Birds Of Prey 2
)(Master)( 12 def Blasphemy 5
No Data 12 def Llamasery 6
Starfire Elite def >Blood< - FORFEIT

Round 7 - September 23, 2001
Unforeseen 4 def BALLISTICS 3
Bananas In Pyjamas 12 def Secret 5
Carpe Jugulum 5 def red hawks 2
Celerity 12 def -BlitZed 5
Starfire Elite 12 def ESP 3
Warlords 12 def encore 8
X-Squad v Collusion[5]
Spies 12 def BUNNER 3
Friendly Fire 12 def Birds Of Prey 2
No Data 9 def Blasphemy 6
)(Master)( 12 def Llamasery 3
>Blood< def arwing - FORFEIT

Round 8 - September 30, 2001
Bananas In Pyjamas 12 def BALLISTICS 3
Unforeseen 12 def Secret 2
-BlitZed- 12 def red hawks 2
Carpe Jugulum 12 def Celerity 4
Starfire Elite def arwing - NO-SHOW
Warlords 10 def Birds Of Prey 4
Spies 12 def X-Squad 4
Collusion 12 def BUNNER 4
encore 12 def Friendly Fire 6
Blasphemy 12 def Llamasery 5
)(Master)( 12 def No Data 7
ESP 12 def >Blood< 8

October 7, 2001 - Makeup Round.

Standings[edit | edit source]

Standings were taken after Round 5, at which time the top 3 teams of each division would qualify for league play-offs. The regular season continued for a couple more rounds after this snapshot, comprising cross-division matches.

Team W L Diff
red hawks 4 1 13
Warlords 3 2 16
Blasphemy 2 3 -1
>Blood< 1 4 -29
X-Squad 0 5 -53
Team W L Diff
Secret 4 1 30
Celerity 4 1 20
Friendly Fire 4 1 18
)(Master)( 2 3 -1
Starfire Elite 1 4 -25
BUNNER 0 5 -42
Team W L Diff
Unforeseen 4 1 24
Carpe Jugulum 4 1 18
encore 4 1 19
No Data 2 3 -10
arwing 1 4 -14
$kull 0 4 -27
monologic 0 1 -12

- Note that Carpe Jugulum had a superior difference per game over encore due to forfeited games.

Team W L Diff
Bananas In Pyjamas 5 0 30
Birds Of Prey 3 2 3
-BlitZed- 3 2 -3
Llamasery 2 3 0
Spies 1 4 -10
ESP 1 4 -22

Play-Offs[edit | edit source]

Play-Offs - October 14, 2001
encore 11 def Celerity 10
Birds Of Prey 6 def Carpe Jugulum 4
-BlitZed- 6 def Friendly Fire 5
Warlords 12 def red hawks 6

Play-Offs - October 21, 2001
BALLISTICS 12 def Warlords 3
Secret 2 def Birds Of Prey 0
encore 12 def Unforeseen 7
Bananas In Pyjamas 12 def -BlitZed- 6

Semi-Finals - October 28, 2001
Game 1 - BALLISTICS 12 def Bananas In Pyjamas 4
Game 2 - Bananas In Pyjamas 9 def BALLISTICS 8
Game 3 - BALLISTICS 12 def Bananas In Pyjamas 5

Semi-Finals - November 4, 2001
Game 1 - encore 12 def Secret 2
Game 2 - encore 12 def Secret 4

Finals - November 11, 2001
Game 1 - encore 7 def BALLISTICS 6
Game 2 - encore 12 def BALLISTICS 7

'Second Chance' Tourney[edit | edit source]

Arranged by Dacrath for those teams which failed to qualify for the play-offs. The competition was played in a knockout format. It is unclear whether this competition was restricted to only teams which had competed in AML Season 05, or if waiting list (Spring League) teams were also eligible.

Round 1 - October 21, 2001
No Data 12 def Collusion 2
Spies def ?
Blasphemy def ?
.foo. def ?

Round 2 - October 28, 2001
No Data 12 def Spies 4
Blasphemy def .foo.

Finals - November 04, 2001
No Data 6 def Blasphemy 4

External Links[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit source]

  1. Commenced mid-season.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Collusion did not compete in Regular Season. Seem to have stood in for absent $kull for the Exhibition rounds.
  3. Competed in the 2nd-chance tourney only.
  4. Did not complete season.
  5. 5.0 5.1 No details available, may not have been played.

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