Logs-Pro3701-B.I.A. v Llamasery
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Log File for Pro Season 37 Round 1 - B.I.A. v Llamasery :
Surrey> .ready Llamas vs B.I.A. Starting in 60 seconds... psyanide> .cap psyanide is the new captain for freq 100 RickDoG> did it start? Surrey> yes Jamuraan> !roster b.i.a. Partsi> .roster b.i.a. -3- -2- -1- GO! twIsta> lol Arena LOCKED DZ-4v4-Bot-> Odds to win: Llamas (73%), B.I.A. (27%). Use /!predict 100 (psyanide) or /!predict 200 (Surrey) during the first 2 minutes to bet on a team to win. fedu> appeal Surrey> gd twIsta kb Candyman -- Assist by: Stiggy twIsta has 2 lives remaining - [2:05] Score: 1-0 B.I.A. -- [4v4] Jamuraan> .items Surrey> .items Surrey> .items Surrey> !statbox nude+> replika hello replika> bonjour Blink> .stats Surrey> !items nude+> SYM 0-0 OL Caerbannog+> shoot them with the pew pew guns Surrey> shoot them with your penis Caerbannog+> eew Caerbannog+> speaking of penis Surrey> you had 5 last night? Surrey> zing Caerbannog+> game of thrones resumes today Caerbannog+> 5 lol you amateur Candyman> oops Surrey> .items replika> .stats psyanide> .stats Surrey> .items twista's slot now set as fullsub. The next player to sub that slot will get a full ship. Cannot fullsub in the last 10 minutes. Surrey> noooooooooo twIsta has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1] psyanide> .sub 100 Crayzee> OMG ITS SIKA BugKiller> lol Crayzee> lol Candyman> lol gb Three> is he allowed to sub Crayzee> this guy is indestructible Three> !allowsub psyanide Surrey> rofl psyanide> .sub 100 psyanide in for twIsta [Full Sub] [Time: 00:38] [2 lives] Surrey> three Surrey> don't help them :D Crayzee> all ayes on SIKA Surrey> all eyes on your buttocks Crayzee> i wish Crayzee> three you are on assassins again Three> lies Crayzee> how does it feel nude+> OL 2-0 Sym Three> goood gooooooood Crayzee> did mop put jake on the roster without asking him again? Surrey> .items Candyman> .items Three> jake is rostered? sweet Crayzee> yes Crayzee> !roster Assassins Surrey> !player crayzee Crayzee> yep he rosstered Surrey> !roster assassins Surrey> JAKE Crayzee> is he even active?= nude+> he's been around Crayzee> on line 3 days ago Crayzee> someone gunduel sika! Candyman kb Street Fighter -- Assist by: Pog Candyman has 2 lives remaining - [16:53] Score: 1-1 TIED -- [4v4] designator> dunked Crayzee> sika still no kills Crayzee> what Crayzee> !stats Crayzee> 3 fr tho Three> lol Crayzee> oh man Surrey> .items Caerbannog+> but my ISP thought it would be hilarious if my ss lags like hell Sabrewolf> .items Crayzee> someone kill pog stiggy's slot now set as fullsub. The next player to sub that slot will get a full ship. Cannot fullsub in the last 10 minutes. Crayzee> that idiot Stiggy has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1] Sabrewolf> .sub Sabrewolf in for Stiggy [Full Sub] [Time: 00:02] [3 lives] nude+> OL 3-0 Sym Caerbannog+> 4-2 ol Caerbannog+> serial killer lll Caerbannog+> GET EM CANDY nude+> oh Caerbannog+> with da rockets Crayzee> pog i hope you die Surrey> GB OWNED Crayzee> what Crayzee> i dont know yes Caerbannog+> like --> <-- Caerbannog+> hand in between Crayzee> one was 22 the ohter was 18 Crayzee> man Crayzee> man Caerbannog+> this was an amazing piece of dialogue in the hit tv show silicon valle Caerbannog+> y Crayzee> you asked about my sexlife Crayzee> thats what u get Caerbannog+> what is? Crayzee> ya chrono> crayzee is a power top Caerbannog+> who is he talking to Crayzee> im a power bottom actually Surrey> .items Caerbannog+> designator? I might have him on ignore Crayzee> im talking to u Caerbannog+> oh? Crayzee> i think Crayzee> RUN CANDY Crayzee> RUUUUN Crayzee> LOL Crayzee> OH CANDYMAN Surrey> your encouragement helped him get there cray :) Crayzee> !stats Crayzee> sika still no kills wtf Da Monkk> .schedule Crayzee> i dont get it Street Fighter kb Sika -- Assist by: Sabrewolf Street Fighter has 2 lives remaining - [23:22] Score: 2-1 B.I.A. -- [4v4] Crayzee> there we go Surrey> there you go crazy Crayzee> now the force is at balance Jamuraan> .items nude+> ya OL 4-2 Sym, Seriel LL and outta repellemators Jamuraan> !roster llamas Surrey> !items Crayzee> what does llamasery even mean? nude+> its a place of reflection and spiritual self-discovery nude+> but ... for llamas Crayzee> that doesnt make any sense Crayzee> !items Jinxi> .items nude+> sure it does Surrey> .items Crayzee> !score designator> :LOL GhostBuster17 kb Sabrewolf -- Assist by: Candyman GhostBuster17 has 2 lives remaining - [27:06] Score: 3-1 B.I.A. -- [4v4] Candyman> jesus dude Candyman> .items Wado Kai> !statbox designator> .score designator> !items nude+> OL 8-3 Sym 4v3 (sven out) designator> did high gain show up Street Fighter kb GhostBuster17 [TEAMKILL] -- Assist by: Sika Street Fighter has 1 life remaining - [28:18] Score: 4-1 B.I.A. -- [4v4] nude+> didnt see him Surrey> !items nude+> durge got the early kills, legacy cleaning up now 5 Minutes until all new subs are burned. designator> .items designator> sabre had perfect rep kill there Caerbannog+> 7th is a key player Caerbannog+> legacy is horrible Surrey> he is a conservative man nude+> OL 12-3 Sym, Legacy 5-2 nude+> caer loves legacy Pog kb Sika -- Assist by: Jinxi Pog has 2 lives remaining - [31:01] Score: 5-1 B.I.A. -- [4v4] Caerbannog+> I pretty much love everyone who says one thing and does something different Pog> ,sc 6 nude+> cool Caerbannog+> not with a comma, son Pog changes ships. nude+> im not going afk now Surrey> lol Durge> lol pog 16 bomb acc 10 bullet Surrey> lol pog Surrey> huge designator> 16 Surrey> .items Caerbannog+> he's terriering Durge> still Captor> .stats Crayzee> hes horrible thats why Candyman kb psyanide Candyman has 1 life remaining - [32:14] Score: 5-2 B.I.A. -- [4v4] Candyman> oops minoan> pog is decent Durge> I don't know how 16 bomb acc is possible Ra> no need to sugarcoat it, crayzee Captor> candy throwing it Captor> or making things interesting designator> firing into the stands 7/8 times Crayzee> pog good job at being usless Durge> oman its up to 17 Candyman> .items designator> .stats psyanide kb Sika -- Assist by: Jinxi psyanide has 1 life remaining - [33:29] Score: 6-2 B.I.A. -- [4v4] Surrey> $ Durge> lol designator> :( Crayzee> sikaaaa Surrey> .items Enforcer> .schedule Crayzee> sika HUGE 7FR Legacy> !stats Surrey> crazyee fanclub boy Crayzee> not too pleased by your damage sika 1 Minute until all new subs are burned. Street Figh> lol Sabrewolf> .items designator> why haven't they started kamikazi on candyman yet Pog kb Sika -- Assist by: Jinxi Pog has 1 life remaining - [34:07] Score: 7-2 B.I.A. -- [4v4] Crayzee> acc could be better too Jinxi> wtffff Crayzee> !stats nude+> haha Legacy> pog way to give kills away Crayzee> sika +28 rating Crayzee> legacy what did u get? Legacy> +42 Crayzee> no way Legacy> 9-2 Crayzee> !leaguestts Captor> lol Sabrewolf kb psyanide -- Assist by: GhostBuster17 Sabrewolf has 2 lives remaining - [34:38] Score: 7-3 B.I.A. -- [4v4] Crayzee> !leaguestats Captor> he's fooling u Crayzee> !leaguetop designator> .leaguetop nude+> jinxi running as fast as he can to prevent sika stealing his kill ... failed Crayzee> u got 21 legacy Crayzee> you liar All new subs from now on are burned. Legacy> i saw double Crayzee> sika has you beat Legacy> someone kill sika Captor> sika needs to tk candy out Legacy> stop laying down for BIA Crayzee> +29 and its not even over yet nude+> lol Crayzee> 4-0 8fr Crayzee> !stats replika> .stats Crayzee> !stats Crayzee> +30 sika Crayzee> 9 FR Seriel Kill> damn Crayzee> sika setting records here Legacy> get him pog replika> 6 mines Sith Lord> !stats Sika kb GhostBuster17 -- Assist by: Pog Sika has 2 lives remaining - [37:02] Score: 7-4 B.I.A. -- [4v4] Legacy> YES Crayzee> NO Captor> lol Legacy> again Crayzee> REP FOR SIKA Surrey> crayzee jinx Legacy> kill his ass out Crayzee> GOD DAMMIT minoan> god sika is terrible at this game 4 players needed for a 4v4 practice in ?go 4v4prac5 -Arcon Crayzee> still +26 tho Jinxi> .items Seriel Kill> what's b.i.a? nude+> needs two deaths to match legacy's The Village> brothers in arms Sith Lord> brothers in anus Enforcer> gay Seriel Kill> oh, thanks Three> !items Arcon> .schedule Ra> it's short for lesB.I.A.ns Legacy> brothers in arms is some kind of european military thing Crayzee> sika rocket ko someone nude+> lol ra Crayzee> we use that in gay orgys Need pilots to duel in ?go duel - Arcon Crayzee> how interesting Jamuraan> .items Crayzee> wed say ok brotheres in arms Crayzee> and everyone would get naked Crayzee> and start wresling Da Monkk> wtf minoan> lol Crayzee> ya Pryde> keep going Blink> TMI nude+> haha minoan> blink wants to hear more Crayzee> pryde it ends in huge bareback sessions Crayzee> and streams of cumm Crayzee> dripping from guys anuses Pryde> sounds like dinner... and a movie. designator> crayzee ignored Crayzee> lol Legacy> haha Ra> sounds like an absolute delight Crayzee> desing NO Captor> :D Crayzee> ill stop nude+> lolol minoan> do u guys wrestle with cum covered bodies? designator> lol jk crayzee Crayzee> i got a little carried away Crayzee> yes minoan designator> but you did get a little carried away Crayzee> i did im sorry minoan> nonsense desi Surrey> gb 0 Surrey> :) Legacy> STOP LAYING DOWN Sabrewolf> .items Durge> candy to die out Legacy> PUNUSH THEM Crayzee> i keep forgeting about your sensitive strieght stomacks Legacy> PUNISH SIKA NOTICE: 5 minutes remaining. designator> i think that's the general consensus minoan> desi u live in the castro area, u should be used to this! :P designator> candyman 1/0 Seriel Kill> .?nopubchat doh Pryde> the smell must be invigorating. designator> i don't live in the castro lol Captor> llmaas will run out of time soon develop> not sure anyone on this game lives in the castro develop> maybe kdak Captor> they need to kill candy fast Surrey> !freqinfo nude+> pryde calm down GhostBuster17 kb Sika GhostBuster17 has 1 life remaining - [40:45] Score: 8-4 B.I.A. -- [4v4] designator> i think loly lives in the castro Crayzee> id love to live there by the sound of it Blink> kdak lives in the TL Street Fighter kb Sabrewolf -- Assist by: Sika Street Fighter is OUT! - [40:52] Score: 9-4 B.I.A. -- [4v3] Sith Lord> TL? Enforcer> .stats psyanide kb Sabrewolf -- Assist by: Candyman psyanide is OUT! - [40:54] Score: 10-4 B.I.A. -- [4v2] minoan> castro is FABULOUS develop> i'm sure kattster does atually Crayzee> SIKA +36! Three> !schedule Blink> tenderloin develop> now that i think about it Crayzee> !stats designator> lol tenderloin yes Three> he makes swords in the castro? Pog kb Candyman -- Assist by: Sabrewolf Pog is OUT! - [41:14] Score: 11-4 B.I.A. -- [4v1] Sabrewolf> i missed Surrey> jinxi mine! Three> does he go to the park and try them out Sabrewolf> ok nm Crayzee> whats tenderloin? Jinxi> neva designator> no three, he plays swords in the tenderloin Three> hahaha Pryde> Ghostbuster to win for all goodly folk Crayzee> is that the kind of park im thinking about? Durge> crayzee likes tenderloins Three> lot of disease there minoan> they play tummy sticks Crayzee> oh man Candyman kb GhostBuster17 Candyman is OUT! - [41:46] Score: 11-5 B.I.A. -- [3v1] Crayzee> where is this park? Three> ahhahahaaha Blink> rofl Durge> rofl Surrey> out Candyman> gg Pryde> L:OL Three> haahahahaha twIsta> lol Captor> hahahah Durge> OWNED minoan> LOL Legacy> lol designator> LOL Pryde> DUNKED designator> DUNKED Crayzee> LOL Crayzee> !stats Legacy> !stats Captor> SO BAD Crayzee> CANDYMAN Legacy> candy -6 Crayzee> youre horrible Candyman> people laughing at 11-5 with 3 min left, we won :) Crayzee> NICE DAMAGE THO elf> .stats Crayzee> SIKA 13 FR Crayzee> +36 Surrey> !stats Surrey> if only sika got the KO's Captor> Sika carrying J11 Surrey> then he would be +60 minoan> i taught sika everything he knows Crayzee> !stats Captor> .stats Black Out> !stats Crayzee> SIKA +37! Crayzee> 14 FR Captor> is 14 a records Jinxi> .items Seriel Kill> lal Captor> record Captor> might be Surrey> 24 is an unbreatable record Crayzee> i told u sika setting records designator> LOL designator> GB Surrey> unbeatable* Durge> 15 elf> .stats Captor> .stats elf> 15 Captor> has to be record Crayzee> OH MAN Seriel Kill> let him kill ghost NOTICE: 1 minute remaining. Durge> in a real game most likely is a record GhostBuster17 kb Sika GhostBuster17 is OUT! - [44:12] Score: 12-5 B.I.A. -- [3v1] Final Score: 12-5 B.I.A. wins -- Game Time: 44:12 +-------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+----------+----------------+ | F 200: B.I.A. Ki/De TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG | W-L | Ki/De | Rat TRat ERat | +-------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+----------+----------------+ | Jinxi 0/ 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 1 43:34 | 63769/ 55600 53% | 32 13 | 1-0 | 0/0 | +4 504 1179 | | Sika 6/ 1 0 0 2 2 15 0 0 7 43:33 | 75580/ 64423 53% | 37 17 | 1-0 | 6/1 | +40 540 1940 | | Candyman 2/ 3 0 0 0 2 3 2 0 7 41:17 | 84901/ 69306 55% | 50 10 | 1-0 | 2/3 | -6 494 1530 | | Stiggy 0/ 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 19:01 | 22397/ 30420 42% | 30 11 | 1-0 | 0/0 | +3 503 1410 | | Sabrewolf 3/ 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 24:30 | 52649/ 31483 62% | 54 17 | 1-0 | 3/1 | +14 514 1005 | | TOTAL: 12/ 5 0 1 2 10 22 2 0 16 | 299296/251232 | 40 14 | 5-0 | 11/5 | +11 511 1412 | +-------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+----------+----------------+ | F 100: Llamas Ki/De TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG | W-L | Ki/De | Rat TRat ERat | +-------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+----------+----------------+ | Street Fighter 1/ 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 40:27 | 57258/ 79486 41% | 34 12 | 0-1 | 1/3 | -19 481 1350 | | GhostBuster17 2/ 3 1 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 43:34 | 86328/103683 45% | 48 17 | 0-1 | 2/3 | +5 505 1351 | | Pog 0/ 3 0 0 0 2 4 0 3 1 40:44 | 46792/ 63272 42% | 17 9 | 0-1 | 0/3 | -3 497 940 | | twIsta 0/ 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 12:09 | 15040/ 13864 52% | 26 10 | 0-1 | 0/1 | -4 496 1363 | | psyanide 2/ 2 0 0 1 0 3 1 2 0 27:40 | 32746/ 49430 39% | 31 11 | 0-1 | 2/2 | +6 506 995 | | TOTAL: 5/12 1 1 2 3 11 2 9 5 | 238164/309735 | 33 11 | 0-5 | 5/12 | -3 497 1198 | +-------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+----------+----------------+ Stats for this game can be viewed at: http://svssubspace.com/?page=Game&id=1297599 MVP: Sika (+40) -- Runner Up: Sabrewolf (+14) LVP: Street Fighter (-19) -- Runner Up: Candyman (-6) Arena UNLOCKED Surrey> got him Captor> lol Seriel Kill> $$$ Crayzee> OG MAN! Captor> nice Jinxi> hehe minoan> lol Candyman> gg Captor> 40 Durge> LEgacy bad Crayzee> SIKA SETTING RECORDS Seriel Kill> _,-/o/ Sika Captor> .leaguetop Jinxi> what a ripoff so many steals Blink> sika looking like steph curry minoan> christ 15fr psyanide> gg Captor> 15fr a new record? Captor> i think it's close designator> it might be Captor> if not is Hook> Jinxi>my 1 was more important
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