Logs-Pro3702-The Dark v Llamasery
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Log File for Pro Season 37 Round 2 - The Dark v Llamasery :
Da Monkk> .rdy Llamas vs The Dark Starting in 60 seconds... Blink> rofl el poopie> lol Pempu> peeking you recording? el poopie> I hope not, that means I died after my wife Peeking Duc> yes Pempu> what do you use? Crayzee> .items Pempu> where dod you upload it? el poopie> But you, saiyan, will prolly never be married and that makes me sad nude+> Pempu> why do i ask so many questions? -3- -2- develop> marriage sucks Peeking Duc> 1 sec Pempu -1- Pempu> :) GO! Arena LOCKED GhostBuster> For the glory of LLamasery and the good of all goodly folk! DZ-4v4-Bot-> Odds to win: Llamas (50%), The Dark (50%). Use /!predict 100 (Street Fighter) or /!predict 200 (Da Monkk) during the first 2 minutes to bet on a team to win. nude+> hehe Pempu> I will record this laos Pempu> llamas side Street Figh> !items Nacre> good shot blink The captain of freq 200 has left the arena and has 30 seconds to return. nude+> .roster the dark replika> .rosters develop> there's something strange develop> in the neighborhood develop> who you gonna call chrono> dominoes develop> their pizza is horrible peabrain kb GhostBuster17 peabrain has 2 lives remaining - [6:43] Score: 1-0 Llamas -- [4v4] Peeking Duc> .items elf kb GhostBuster17 [TEAMKILL] -- Assist by: Crayzee elf has 2 lives remaining - [7:36] Score: 1-1 TIED -- [4v4] Da Monkk> lol Jamuraan> boo el poopie> papa johns el poopie> I win develop> rickdog trying out for llamas now el poopie> I wish I could try out for a team develop. develop> symphony develop> is your best bet nude+> i do all the time RickDoG kb Charlie Sheen -- Assist by: Blink RickDoG has 2 lives remaining - [9:08] Score: 2-1 The Dark -- [4v4] nude+> oh i thought you said die out for a team el poopie> they dont think I am good enough either develop> so basically what they are saying is you are worse than gruntster el poopie> yeah el poopie> :( develop> or you are more annoying than everyone else in this game el poopie> that could be it develop> but i don't think that's true Nacre> develop stop being mean greenery> hi ss friends develop> i think partsi is worse Nacre> .stats nude+> being more annoying than everyone in this game is an achievement unto itself develop> agreed psyanide kb Blink psyanide has 2 lives remaining - [11:04] Score: 3-1 The Dark -- [4v4] el poopie> I am confused Da Monkk> .fullsub crayzee crayzee's slot now set as fullsub. The next player to sub that slot will get a full ship. Cannot fullsub in the last 10 minutes. Crayzee has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1] Pryde> .sub Pryde in for Crayzee [Full Sub] [Time: 00:04] [3 lives] peabrain kb psyanide -- Assist by: GhostBuster17 peabrain has 1 life remaining - [13:14] Score: 3-2 The Dark -- [4v4] peabrain has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1] Da Monkk> .sub 5 Da Monkk in for peabrain [Full Sub] [Time: 00:04] [1 life] YELLOW HAMM> .cap YELLOW HAMMER is the new captain for freq 200 Nacre> can i have cap? Nacre> jocker hand me cap Pempu> so peeking what do you use? Peeking Duc> open braodcaster el poopie> You can hold my cap 1 player needed for a 4v4 practice in ?go 4v4squad3 -MfA Pempu> what gfx card you got? Peeking Duc> 750ti Pempu> I recommend using nvidia shadowplay Peeking Duc> ok Crayzee> omg its bhang! el poopie> does a video card help you tank? Peeking Duc> i get consistently good FPS on this @ 2560x1600 though Pempu> unless obs supports the nvidia thing out of the box nowdays Pempu> you using cpu to encode? Pempu> or gpu? Peeking Duc> cpu Crayzee> .items Peeking Duc> and lagarith Pempu> I'm using gpu. I ike it smooth 60fps with resolution conversion Pempu> from 2560x1440 to fullhd Peeking Duc> yeah I'm only at 30fps but it's still smooth Nacre> 30 fps sucks Nacre> put to 60 Pempu> you can easily do 60fps with 750ti saiyan> 60 sucks too Caerbannog+> 30 fps for that cinematic feel. develop> 60 blows Peeking Duc> Nacre I've seen your slidewhows el poopie> im at 75fps with an onboard videocard Caerbannog+> -Ubisoft Nacre> my stream was by far the smoothest Nacre> until i got this new ssd greenery> im at 355 fps Nacre> now it's just broken Peeking Duc> yes looked like a powerpoint of SubSpace :) GhostBuster17 kb Pryde -- Assist by: Charlie Sheen GhostBuster17 has 2 lives remaining - [17:44] Score: 4-2 The Dark -- [4v4] Nacre> maybe you have down syndrome and your brain can't process 60 fps saiyan> secede onboard videocard saiyan> confirmed poverty el poopie> hi Pempu> nacre did you check my 60fps youtube video? there is only one el poopie> im poor Peeking Duc> no I like slide shows replika> .items Street Figh> !stats el poopie> saiyan, does your cubicle have its own a/c like nacres? Nacre> you guys should dunk on monk Nacre> he's a choker nude+> and it would make for good rhymes el poopie> saiyan, im suprised ss still works on my windows 3.1 Crayzee> Nacre Crayzee> hi Nacre> crayzee Nacre> hello el poopie> this crt takes up a lot of room on my walmart desk Nacre> dont you think they should go for monk? psyanide> .items Crayzee> probbably Nacre> even though he's at the back of the bus Crayzee> but they dont have Nacre Crayzee> so they might fail Nacre> ya Nacre> put me in Nacre> ill do it myself Nacre> monk mine there Nacre> then go for rep kill Nacre> stop randomly firing Nacre> everyone Sith Lord> !stats Da Monkk> lol Jamuraan> nacre recording this? Peeking Duc> .items Nacre> no Nacre> i dotn record anymore Jamuraan> ok rickdog's slot now set as fullsub. The next player to sub that slot will get a full ship. Cannot fullsub in the last 10 minutes. nude+> his voice broke RickDoG has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1] nude+> and he had to stop Street Fighter in for RickDoG [Full Sub] [Time: 00:02] [2 lives] develop> uh oh develop> sf in now Nacre> sf go get da monkk Crayzee> repkills el poopie> .stats Nacre> lol Da Monkk> VENRILO Street Figh> good nacre? Nacre> that was pretty intense Nacre> yeah do it again develop> only try hards use ventrillo saiyan> thats being too nice dev develop> you're right psyanide kb Blink psyanide has 1 life remaining - [23:53] Score: 5-2 The Dark -- [4v4] Nacre> psyanide randomly showing up from the south Nacre> huge Crayzee> could u have sex on ventrillo Crayzee> like ventrillo sex el poopie> dev, when ass plays are they all on speakerphone? Blink kb Street Fighter -- Assist by: psyanide Blink has 2 lives remaining - [24:32] Score: 5-3 The Dark -- [4v4] Blink> haha Nacre> lo Jamuraan> u can use ventriloid on phone Nacre> good drop monk develop> pretty sure ventrillo would distract me, bunch of nasally nerdy and heavy breathing voices replika> .stats el poopie> lol Nacre> it would distract your constant mining? Nacre> how much brainpower does that take? develop> almost as much as it does for you to run into every single one of them el poopie> Nacre, you nasally nerdy? Nacre> and still win Nacre> so 0 develop> nacre remember that time i 10-0'd you Nacre> nope Nacre> remember that time i 10-0 you? develop> nope Nacre> want to see it again? el poopie> I do develop> ill duel you :D Crayzee> nameduel Nacre> you can't mine in duels Mop> u guys have bad memories Nacre> unfortunately develop> you're right develop> i'll give you a handicap then nude+> there's no mining in duelball Nacre> get da monk Nacre> wow you idiots el poopie> I remember that time Dre thought he could 10-0 dev develop> nacre told dre it was a bad idea develop> dre did not listen to words of wisdom Crayzee> i rememmber when nacre 10-0d agile and took his name el poopie> I am pretty sure nacre was flying Nacre> develop struggled vs dre Nacre> that was the funny part develop> i remember when reaem still hasn't paid up his name develop> tried to pay me sopwith pup develop> whatever that is develop> that's like dre trying to give me jedi develop> or thor's name Nacre> you dont remember sopwith pup? develop> i remember him Nacre> i think rage took his name develop> rage usually gives names back develop> unless your name is digweed Nacre> i think he gave it to suprem develop> i thought i saw suprem on a little bit ago Nacre> it was a worthless name cause sopwith pup was bad Nacre> you did Nacre> i saw him too Nacre> like 1 month ago develop> is he still good at spaceships Gruntster> b.i.a. vs watchmen is recorded 5 Minutes until all new subs are burned. Seismic> suprem hasnt' played in like 5 years Pempu> where do you put videos? Jamuraan> chemical not in 10 years Peeking Duc> on Grunt's channel, they won't be up until Thursday at the earliest though because I have business Surrey> GO BUNY GO Arcon> .stats Pempu> ok Peeking Duc> we'll post a link on the forums when they're up develop> was chemical the guy that traced some subspace dood's ip and followed him to a mall and beat him up? Surrey> .leaguetop Nacre> that was raperamix develop> raperamix did that to someone? Nacre> then he flew off into the sunset on a unicorn Nacre> yes Crayzee> wow that really happend? develop> lol Jamuraan> raperamix still alive? Seismic> i haven't seen rapers name in years develop> i couldn't even get raperamix to talk develop> he was worse than monkey boy Seismic> Raper talked all the time Nacre> ya Jinxi> Raper's alive and well Nacre> he was known for his story telling Jinxi> I was at his wedding in Santorini 2 years ago Jamuraan> i heard he went to jail Sith Lord> !items Nacre> wtf Blink kb Street Fighter -- Assist by: GhostBuster17 Blink has 1 life remaining - [32:33] Score: 5-4 The Dark -- [4v4] Nacre> blink dunked develop> if you haven't gone to jail yet, you're not yoloing enough Seismic> blink eat more fried rice el poopie> or you are nasally nerdy develop> bbq pork fried rice? Caerbannog+> I had friend rice once. It was good. Nacre> monk your team is losing Nacre> because you are in the back develop> friend rice is the type of rice crayzee makes minoan> have u tried jasmin rice Street Fighter kb Charlie Sheen Street Fighter has 1 life remaining - [33:38] Score: 6-4 The Dark -- [4v4] psyanide> .items 1 Minute until all new subs are burned. Jamuraan> !items Peeking Duc> .items Blink kb psyanide -- Assist by: elf Blink is OUT! - [34:40] Score: 6-5 The Dark -- [3v4] Blink> oh minoan> lol Street Figh> hahaha Blink> nice rep Pempu> very nice rep Blink> that was far Nacre> ally oop All new subs from now on are burned. Nacre> pryde Nacre> SUP psyanide> .items Nacre> lol Pryde has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1] YELLOW HAMM> .sub YELLOW HAMMER in for Pryde [Burned] [Time: 00:01] [3 lives] Nacre> JOCKER Nacre> COMING IN Caerbannog+> Llamas had to get ahead or they would get no chance to throw the game Seismic> TEAM VIETNAM Jamuraan> to save the day minoan> trying to save the day Caerbannog+> which is their expertise Jamuraan> KN not in yet el poopie> they are playing well Jamuraan> charlie is viet too? psyanide kb YELLOW HAMMER -- Assist by: Charlie Sheen psyanide is OUT! - [35:51] Score: 7-5 The Dark -- [3v3] minoan> lol Caerbannog+> you were saying? Crayzee> comeback el poopie> nm Seismic> llamas is one caerbannog from contending minoan> damn YELLOW HAMM> INSTANT IMPACT Pempu> what a bad templay by llamas there Caerbannog+> heh. no replika> .stats Crayzee> .items minoan> for a second i thought lammas had it psyanide> .items nude+> lorenzo llamas minoan> hes so dreamy YELLOW HAMMER kb GhostBuster17 -- Assist by: Street Fighter YELLOW HAMMER has 2 lives remaining - [37:45] Score: 7-6 The Dark -- [3v3] Nacre> INSTANT IMPACT Nacre> o el poopie> HAMMER, this is what happens when you axe poopie. YELLOW HAMM> HAHA minoan> lol ivf> BIA minoan> is Pempu> CIA ivf> was i the worst player on watchmen Jamuraan> this is over time now? Nacre> no minoan> lol no el poopie> look at the clock ivf> apparently i was minoan> u kidding? Jamuraan> i mean score Nacre> no Jamuraan> ok minoan> there was 1 bad stand out Caerbannog+> no matter how bad watchmen are, you can find comfort in the fact that it'll still be better than the awful movie minoan> the movie was great.. ivf> who was the bad standout Caerbannog+> 3/10, would only recommend for people to see as an example of a bad movie Caerbannog+> the movie was horrible Caerbannog+> you could cut out about 60 minutes of it to fix some of the issues minoan> come on? the fight scene to the unforgettble song Crayzee> .items el poopie> CAER SAID IT WAS BAD AND THAT MEANS IT WAS BAD DAMNIT Caerbannog+> the first scene? minoan> yes Caerbannog+> so the 2 minutes scene Caerbannog+> where the best character is killed minoan> lol Caerbannog+> saves a 2h+ movie? Jamuraan> !items psyanide> .items minoan> yea the comedian was the best character minoan> i agree NOTICE: 5 minutes remaining. Peeking Duc> .items YELLOW HAMMER kb elf -- Assist by: Street Fighter YELLOW HAMMER has 1 life remaining - [40:16] Score: 7-7 TIED -- [3v3] Caerbannog+> trust me, I watched it twice to make sure Blink> jeez Jamuraan> lol psyanide> instant impact Caerbannog+> once in the movies, then i bought it from some sale box Nacre> INSTANT Nacre> IMPACT Nacre> OK? Jamuraan> impact instantly YELLOW HAMM> says the guy in spec YELLOW HAMM> lol el poopie> instantaneous el poopie> .stats Nacre> dead Nacre> game GhostBuster17 kb YELLOW HAMMER -- Assist by: Charlie Sheen GhostBuster17 has 1 life remaining - [41:23] Score: 8-7 The Dark -- [3v3] develop> RUN Nacre> BELIEVE Nacre> IN Nacre> YOURSELVES develop> YES Peeking Duc> .items develop> GAME ON psyanide> .items Pempu> I feel this was one sided game Seismic> Nacre should we make a team with you me rage and chrono Jamuraan> !items minoan> yes and me Nacre> no Nacre> you guys wont show up Seismic> LOL Pempu> I could bench for any team develop> i can't remember if it was savage or ghostbuster who always listened to the titanic soundtrack when playing subspace games Gruntster> rage can't play on sundays, he has to work Nacre> oh develop> my heart will go on Pryde> I listen to ted dibiase's entrance theme Nacre> i listen to top gun soundtrack develop> milliondollar man Svenfactor> Ill sub for rage develop> my roommate bought a 'top gun' hat for coachella minoan> call in bomb threats to burger king and we can get whats his name to play Gruntster> sven is a beast Crayzee> develop Crayzee> have u been to coachella? Nacre> develop invented coachella develop> no Crayzee> oh Pempu> nice brick stall :) NOTICE: 1 minute remaining. Nacre> run the timer out dark Nacre> you know you're going to Street Fighter kb Charlie Sheen -- Assist by: Da Monkk Street Fighter is OUT! - [44:12] Score: 9-7 The Dark -- [3v2] elf kb Da Monkk -- Assist by: Charlie Sheen elf has 1 life remaining - [44:24] Score: 10-7 The Dark -- [3v2] Pryde> lol elf> fu Da Monkk> planned Blink> payback Pempu> gg YELLOW HAMM> INSTANT IMPACT Nacre> was a good effort el poopie> that was a rep Charlie Sheen kb elf -- Assist by: GhostBuster17 Charlie Sheen has 2 lives remaining - [44:39] Score: 10-8 The Dark -- [3v2] Blink> LOL Pryde> OH NO YELLOW HAMM> LOL Gruntster> $$$ Nacre> 7 Nacre> 6 Nacre> 5 Nacre> 4 Nacre> 3 Nacre> 2 Nacre> 1 Final Score: 10-8 The Dark wins -- Game Time: 44:59 +-------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+----------+----------------+ | F 200: The Dark Ki/De TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG | W-L | Ki/De | Rat TRat ERat | +-------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+----------+----------------+ | Crayzee 0/ 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 11:51 | 17858/ 18123 49% | 40 16 | 2-0 | 1/0 | +2 509 1225 | | Pryde 1/ 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 22:47 | 31093/ 30228 50% | 40 9 | 2-0 | 3/0 | +7 518 1358 | | YELLOW HAMMER 2/ 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 9:35 | 13457/ 17356 43% | 29 12 | 1-0 | 2/2 | +3 503 1010 | | Charlie Sheen 3/ 1 0 0 1 4 6 0 0 0 44:19 | 75385/ 67841 52% | 54 15 | 2-0 | 9/2 | +22 543 1775 | | peabrain 0/ 2 0 1 0 0 1 3 6 0 13:05 | 10798/ 11562 48% | 16 4 | 1-0 | 0/2 | -8 492 1091 | | Da Monkk 1/ 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 31:09 | 39612/ 25795 60% | 29 12 | 1-0 | 1/0 | +5 505 1010 | | Blink 2/ 3 0 0 2 1 3 1 3 0 34:11 | 66290/ 60497 52% | 53 14 | 2-0 | 3/6 | -14 486 1877 | | TOTAL: 10/ 8 0 3 3 7 17 5 11 0 | 254493/231402 | 42 12 | 11-0 | 19/12 | +2 508 1335 | +-------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+----------+----------------+ | F 100: Llamas Ki/De TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG | W-L | Ki/De | Rat TRat ERat | +-------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+----------+----------------+ | GhostBuster17 2/ 2 1 0 1 3 5 1 0 0 44:19 | 67338/ 70296 48% | 36 12 | 0-2 | 4/5 | +8 513 1341 | | elf 2/ 2 0 0 0 1 4 1 2 3 44:19 | 60594/ 60344 50% | 29 12 | 0-1 | 2/2 | +12 512 1453 | | psyanide 2/ 3 0 0 0 1 3 1 2 0 35:19 | 41686/ 64791 39% | 40 11 | 0-2 | 4/5 | -2 504 1322 | | RickDoG 0/ 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 21:58 | 23117/ 28246 45% | 21 7 | 0-1 | 0/1 | -4 496 1420 | | Street Fighter 2/ 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 21:33 | 27055/ 41027 39% | 33 11 | 0-2 | 3/5 | 0 481 1371 | | TOTAL: 8/10 1 1 1 7 14 4 5 6 | 219790/264704 | 32 11 | 0-8 | 13/18 | +2 501 1380 | +-------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+----------+----------------+ Stats for this game can be viewed at: http://svssubspace.com/?page=Game&id=1297796 MVP: Charlie Sheen (+22) -- Runner Up: elf (+12) LVP: Blink (-14) -- Runner Up: peabrain (-8) Arena UNLOCKED Street Figh> gg psyanide> gg YELLOW HAMM> INSTANT IMPACT GhostBuster> g el poopie> As I was saying about mvp Nacre> JOCKER'S 29% BOMB ACCURACY Nacre> INSTANT IMPACT Street Figh> i couldnt pull it off nacre Nacre> ...........TO THE WALLS Nacre> LOOOOOOOOOL Da Monkk> gg YELLOW HAMM> nacre you wouldve been out by now Nacre> you failed street fighter Ra> well, he is a hammer so.. YELLOW HAMM> your patience is at 0% Nacre> but you learned a valuable lesson Nacre> yeah
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