Logs-Pro3705-OUTLAWS v B.I.A.

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Log File for Pro Season 37 Round 5 - OUTLAWS v B.I.A. :

      Surrey> .ready
Starting in 60 seconds...
       Durge> ban
   el poopie> see what happens when I get in. everyone afraid I am gonna play then they all hop in
      Surrey> kill legoosey first
        LOLY> this 60 seconds is a staredown
      Surrey> RUN 
 DZ-4v4-Bot-> Odds to win: OUTLAWS (50%), B.I.A. (50%). Use /!predict 100 (KinGNewbiE) or /!predict 200 (Surrey) during the first 2 minutes to bet on a team to win. 
      Surrey> .items
Tunahead kb Diablo
Tunahead has 2 lives remaining - [1:51]
Score: 1-0 OUTLAWS -- [4v4]
     replika> .stats
      Surrey> .items
Charlie Sheen and YELLOW HAMMER defeated Legacy and Lusty and 6 other teams to win the 2v2 event! Congrats!
  KinGNewbiE> .items
      Surrey> .items
Durge has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1]
       Durge> carp
      Surrey> owned
       Durge> !return
Durge returns to the game [Burned] [Note: Has engaged] [Lives Remaining: 3] [Time: 00:05]
  KinGNewbiE> .fullsub durge
durge's slot now set as fullsub. The next player to sub that slot will get a full ship. Cannot fullsub in the last 10 minutes.
       Three> its a TRAP
      Surrey> .items
      minoan> kn with the quick response
  KinGNewbiE> .allowsub kingnewbie
    MVPARIAN> dont do it
  KinGNewbiE> .allowsub mvparian
Durge kb Sika -- Assist by: Sabrewolf
Durge has 2 lives remaining - [4:38]
Score: 1-1 TIED -- [4v4]
  KinGNewbiE> .allowsub tidal
  KinGNewbiE> .allowsub darkdenizen
Durge has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 2]
      Diablo> wqtf
  KinGNewbiE> .sub
KinGNewbiE in for Durge [Full Sub] [Time: 00:02] [2 lives]
      Diablo> ?
      Surrey> lol
      Surrey> lucky
DarkDenizen is the new captain for freq 100
      Surrey> that it was quick
      Surrey> almost burned :P
      Surrey> .items
       Durge> good thing sika portaled on top of me
 The Village> !fullsub
      Surrey> good dueled
       Durge> oh well
      Diablo> we typibng
      Diablo> hgold
       Three> !items
    Candyman> .items
    Candyman> .stats
diablo's slot now set as fullsub. The next player to sub that slot will get a full ship. Cannot fullsub in the last 10 minutes.
 The Village> !fullsub
 The Village> it say used
      Surrey> no
      Surrey> !fullsub
 Caerbannog+> .fullsub
    MVPARIAN> !fullsub
      Surrey> oh yes
      Surrey> you used it
      Surrey> lol
      Diablo> minespasce
 Caerbannog+> was it set to durge?
      Surrey> you set durge to fullsub
       nude+> .stats
      Surrey> then subbed him
  designator> .stats
 Caerbannog+> yeah that'll burn it
    Candyman> .items
      Surrey> .items
 The Village> !items
   BugKiller> .items
       Three> candy for tuna 
       Three> now 
       Three> or gg 
    Plutorus> .stats
Sika kb The Village Bike -- Assist by: Diablo
Sika has 2 lives remaining - [7:51]
Score: 2-1 OUTLAWS -- [4v4]
   Sabrewolf> .items
  KinGNewbiE> .items
The captain of freq 200 has left the arena and has 30 seconds to return.
    Candyman> .items
 Seriel Kill> .stats
 Caerbannog+> inb4 legacy explodes
      Legacy> !items
      Surrey> !statbox
       Three> !stats
    Plutorus> .stats
      Surrey> .items
  designator> .stats
      Legacy> !items
       Jinxi> .items
    MVPARIAN> !items
BugKiller kb Legacy
BugKiller has 2 lives remaining - [10:31]
Score: 3-1 OUTLAWS -- [4v4]
       Three> !stats
      Surrey> .fullsub tunahead
tunahead's slot now set as fullsub. The next player to sub that slot will get a full ship. Cannot fullsub in the last 10 minutes.
Sabrewolf kb Diablo -- Assist by: KinGNewbiE
Sabrewolf has 2 lives remaining - [10:55]
Score: 4-1 OUTLAWS -- [4v4]
Tunahead has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1]
      Surrey> .sub 200:1
Surrey in for Tunahead [Full Sub] [Time: 00:02] [2 lives]
      Surrey> .allowsub jinxi
      Surrey> .allowsub candyman
   Sabrewolf> well
    MVPARIAN> targett KN guys
  KinGNewbiE> .items
  designator> !items
     Brandon> !standings
BugKiller kb The Village Bike -- Assist by: Legacy
BugKiller has 1 life remaining - [11:40]
Score: 5-1 OUTLAWS -- [4v4]
 Seriel Kill> lol 
Sabrewolf kb Legacy -- Assist by: The Village Bike
Sabrewolf has 1 life remaining - [11:48]
Score: 6-1 OUTLAWS -- [4v4]
 Seriel Kill> LOL 
       Three> !stats
 Seriel Kill> nice choke
  designator> gg
   Sabrewolf> .sc 1
Sabrewolf changes ships.
   Gruntster> what are you wearing candy?
KinGNewbiE kb Sika
KinGNewbiE has 1 life remaining - [12:22]
Score: 6-2 OUTLAWS -- [4v4]
       Three> hahaha
 Seriel Kill> $
       Three> n1
       nude+> are you recording this, grunt?
    Candyman> a 13" laptop
   Gruntster> not this one no, i did our match
       nude+> hokay
   Gruntster> i did assassins vs llamas though
      Legacy> !items
       Blink> kn die out to make it interesting
       Blink> i gotchu for dimsum
    Candyman> .stats
 DarkDenizen> KN> make it pho, and done
       Blink> both
       Tidal> he just doubled down
  KinGNewbiE> .items
 The Village> !items
     develop> !stats
      minoan> Sika's lag uneffective vs these bunch
     develop> sabrewolf
     develop> no
Diablo has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1]
      Diablo> ?
      Diablo> .return
Diablo returns to the game [Burned] [Note: Has engaged] [Lives Remaining: 3] [Time: 00:03]
Diablo has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 2]
      Diablo> NO
     develop> NO
      Diablo> .return
Diablo returns to the game [Burned] [Note: Has engaged] [Lives Remaining: 3] [Time: 00:04]
Diablo has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 3]
     develop> STOP
       Blink> get them now
       Jinxi> lol at lagouts
       Blink> GET EM
       Jinxi> in 2015
       Durge> cant return
      Diablo> itll go away in like 1 min
      Diablo> stay safe team
      cfl+-+> lag out 3
       Durge> 3 lo is max
      Diablo> oh
      Diablo> well im done
  designator> .stats
       Jinxi> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIx27s3QNu4
  KinGNewbiE> .cap
KinGNewbiE is the new captain for freq 100
       Tidal> !sub
Tidal in for Diablo [Burned] [Time: 00:51] [3 lives]
      cfl+-+> its chrona
  KinGNewbiE> .items
      Diablo> .items
  designator> oooh
      Surrey> .items
The Village Bike kb Sika -- Assist by: Surrey
The Village Bike has 2 lives remaining - [18:34]
Score: 6-3 OUTLAWS -- [4v4]
  KinGNewbiE> .items
Sika kb KinGNewbiE
Sika has 1 life remaining - [18:42]
Score: 7-3 OUTLAWS -- [4v4]
       Durge> !items
 Caerbannog+> where was the rest of bia lelolol
       Blink> where is seismic
  designator> couldn't find ossi or bhang
 A Grape of > lol pathetic
       Jinxi> prolly working, he can make every other week
       Blink> he didnt show up last week
       Jinxi> happy mothers day 
       Blink> happy mothers day
     develop> euro's celebrate mother's day?
 A Grape of > yes, why are there games today?
     develop> i call shenanigans
 Caerbannog+> define celebrate
       Durge> don't worry, we lagged out to let you have some help :(
 Caerbannog+> no one gets drunk for it
      cfl+-+> no
 Caerbannog+> we recognize the day and SMS our moms
      cfl+-+> save tidal
      cfl+-+> o no
  KinGNewbiE> .items
      cfl+-+> .items
Surrey kb The Village Bike
Surrey has 1 life remaining - [20:36]
Score: 8-3 OUTLAWS -- [4v4]
      Surrey> good repellers
 The Village> late 
    Candyman> surrey dunked
  designator> SURREY
 The Village> !items
  designator> HUGE
      Diablo> run out the clock
Sika kb KinGNewbiE -- Assist by: The Village Bike
Sika is OUT! - [21:52]
Score: 9-3 OUTLAWS -- [4v3]
       Durge> LOL
  designator> LOL
 DarkDenizen> LOL
      cfl+-+> .stats
      Diablo> deploy hack a shaq
 The Village> !items
Sabrewolf kb Legacy
Sabrewolf is OUT! - [23:05]
Score: 10-3 OUTLAWS -- [4v2]
      Surrey> I got this
      Surrey> no worries
      Surrey> come KN
  KinGNewbiE> hi
      Surrey> come!
      Diablo> dont do it
Surrey kb KinGNewbiE -- Assist by: Legacy
Surrey is OUT! - [24:04]
Score: 11-3 OUTLAWS -- [4v1]
      Surrey> NO
      cfl+-+> ya
      Surrey> :D
BugKiller kb KinGNewbiE -- Assist by: Legacy
BugKiller is OUT! - [24:31]
Score: 12-3 OUTLAWS -- [4v1]
Final Score: 12-3 OUTLAWS wins -- Game Time: 24:31
| F 200: B.I.A.    Ki/De TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG |    W-L   |   Ki/De  |  Rat TRat ERat |
| BugKiller         0/ 3  0  0  0  0  1  3   3  4 24:01 |  35821/ 37245  49% |  43  12 |    2-1   |    5/7   |   -9  518 1289 |
| Sika              3/ 3  0  0  1  0  7  2   4  9 21:27 |  50175/ 35205  58% |  44  26 |    3-2   |   18/9   |   -8  541 1956 |
| Tunahead          0/ 1  0  1  0  0  1  1   3  1 10:45 |  19534/ 17769  52% |  50  10 |    0-1   |    0/1   |   -3  497 1744 |
|  Surrey           0/ 2  0  0  0  1  1  0   2  2 12:47 |  26778/ 30478  46% |  57  20 |    1-2   |    5/6   |   -3  512 1258 |
| Sabrewolf         0/ 3  0  0  0  1  1  4   6  2 22:37 |  27415/ 29106  48% |  33  10 |    3-2   |    6/5   |  -10  519 1242 |
| TOTAL:            3/12  0  1  1  2 11 10  18 18       | 159723/149803      |  44  15 |    9-8   |   34/28  |   -6  517 1496 |
| F 100: OUTLAWS   Ki/De TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG |    W-L   |   Ki/De  |  Rat TRat ERat |
| Legacy            3/ 0  0  0  2  3  6  0   0  3 24:01 |  32160/ 50836  38% |  34  14 |    3-0   |   11/4   |  +25  547 1479 |
| Durge             0/ 1  0  2  0  0  0  0   0  0  4:43 |   9353/  8048  53% |  58   7 |    5-0   |    9/5   |   -4  549 1550 |
|  KinGNewbiE       4/ 1  0  0  1  1  1  0   2  0 19:09 |  22415/ 31822  41% |  40  10 |    3-0   |    9/3   |  +14  529 1626 |
| Diablo            2/ 0  0  3  1  1  2  0   0  0 15:22 |  28070/ 23252  54% |  54  20 |    1-0   |    2/0   |  +13  513 1773 |
|  Tidal            0/ 0  0  0  0  0  1  0   0  0  7:39 |   6820/  9121  42% |  23   8 |    2-0   |    1/0   |   +1  509  972 |
| The Village Bik   3/ 1  0  0  1  2  4  0   0  1 24:01 |  42807/ 48142  47% |  53  15 |    5-0   |   13/4   |  +17  566 1876 |
| TOTAL:           12/ 3  0  5  5  7 14  0   2  4       | 141625/171221      |  40  14 |   19-0   |   45/16  |  +11  535 1546 |
Stats for this game can be viewed at: http://svssubspace.com/?page=Game&id=1298585
MVP: Legacy (+25)      -- Runner Up: The Village Bike (+17)
LVP: Sabrewolf (-10)      -- Runner Up: BugKiller (-9)
      Surrey> what was with the massive blow up deaths 
   BugKiller> !
  designator> QUESTIONABLE
      cfl+-+> lie
 The Village> !items
      cfl+-+> unquestionable
      Diablo> holy minespace
      Diablo> gg dudes. until the next one
      Surrey> gg
      Legacy> !results outlaws
      Surrey> but not really
       Jinxi> gg
      Surrey> .standings

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