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Season 05 of Pro League ran from October 1999 to March 2000.

Summary[edit | edit source]

Competing Teams (incomplete) : Addicts, Agony[1], Alphawin, Apocalypse, Assassins, Bananas In Pyjamas, Betawin[2], Betrayal, B.I.A., Black Company, Bloodlust, The Dark, Darkslayers, Demonic, Devil, Doomsday[3], Dukes Of Hazzard, EGO, Elysium, enterprize[2], EpiK, Eternalz, ExILED, Fenix[3], Forsaken[3], Friendlyfire, Gods of Hate[3], Hellbound, +intelli+[2], Journey, Ministry of Funk, Minor Threats, Nightwatch, ONE[2], OUTLAWS, Phatboys, Presence, Prevail[2], Quest, \Redshift/, ReDs, Requiem, Starfire Elite, Sterling, Unhallowed, Waste of Time[3].
Champions: Presence. Runners-Up: ONE

Divisional Split[edit | edit source]

Agony were shown in the schedule prior to the season. Uncertain if they were replaced by EternalZ before season's start or after Round 1.

Division 1 Division 2 Division 3 Division 4
Alphawin Addicts Assassins Apocalypse
B.I.A. Betrayal Betawin
Elysium BiP Black Company The Dark
Waste of Time
Devil DoH Darkslayers
EpiK EGO Demonic
Friendlyfire ExILED Hellbound Journey
Phatboys intelli
Ministry of Funk Nightwatch
Quest OUTLAWS Minor Threats ONE
Gods of Hate
ReDs \Redshift/ Presence Prevail
Starfire Elite Requiem Unhallowed Sterling

Results[edit | edit source]

Regular Season[edit | edit source]

The Regular Season took the form of a Round Robin competition within each division, with the addition of Round 5, in which Div 1 teams played Div 2 teams, and Div 3 teams met teams from Division 4.

Round 1 - October 10, 1999 :
Division 1 :
Starfire Elite 12 def Friendlyfire 3
Quest 12 def Waste of Time 3
ReDs 12 def Phatboys 4
Eternalz (or possibly Agony) 12 def Elysium 5
B.I.A. 12 def Alphawin 0
Division 2 :
Betrayal 12 def ExILED 6
Devil 12 def Fenix 5
Addicts 12 def EpiK 3
Requiem 12 def BiP 0
OUTLAWS 12 def \Redshift/ 4
Division 3 :
Doomsday 9 def DoH 5
Hellbound 12 def Minor Threats 2
Unhallowed 12 def EGO 3
Presence 10 def Assassins 4
Black Company 12 def Ministry of Funk 1
Division 4 :
Journey 12 def Apocalypse 8
Darkslayers 12 def Forsaken 5
Sterling 12 def Nightwatch 3
Demonic 12 def The Dark 0
Gods of Hate 8 def Bloodlust 6

Round 2 - October 17, 1999 :
Division 1 :
Quest 12 def Eternalz 4
Alphawin 12 def Elysium 8
ReDs 4 def B.I.A. 3
Phatboys 12 def Starfire Elite 8
Waste of Time 12 def Friendlyfire 4
Division 2 :
Betrayal 12 def BiP 1
EpiK 12 def ExILED 5
Addicts 12 def Fenix 2
Devil 10 def OUTLAWS 4
Requiem 12 def \Redshift/ 2
Division 3 :
Assassins 7 def Ministry of Funk 6
Doomsday 4 def Black Company 2
Unhallowed 8 def DoH 7
EGO 12 def Minor Threats 5
Presence 12 def Hellbound 4
Division 4 :
Demonic 12 def Darkslayers 0
Gods of Hate 12 def Forsaken 4
Journey 10 def Bloodlust 7
Apocalypse 9 def Sterling 8
Nightwatch 6 def The Dark 4

Round 3 - October 23, 1999 :
Division 1 :
Eternalz 12 def Alphawin 5
B.I.A. 9 def Starfire Elite 0
ReDs 9 def Elysium 3
Quest 12 def Friendlyfire 3
Waste of Time 10 def Phatboys 8
Division 2 :
OUTLAWS 8 def Addicts 6
Requiem 3 def Betrayal 0
EpiK 12 def BiP 4
Devil 12 def \Redshift/ 2
Fenix 12 def ExILED 3
Division 3 :
EGO 10 def DoH 7
Assassins 10 def Doomsday 2
Hellbound 12 def Ministry of Funk 0
Presence 12 def Minor Threats 5
Black Company 12 def Unhallowed 6
Division 4 :
Apocalypse 12 def Bloodlust 3
Journey 12 def Forsaken 4
Demonic 12 def Gods of Hate 0
Nightwatch 12 def Darkslayers 8
Sterling 12 def The Dark 10

Round 4 - October 31, 1999 :
Division 1 :
Eternalz 12 def Friendlyfire 5
Quest 11 def Phatboys 6
Alphawin 11 def ReDs 4
Starfire Elite 12 def Elysium 3
B.I.A. 4 def Waste of Time 3
Division 2 :
Betrayal 10 def EpiK 4
Fenix 12 def BiP 3
Addicts 6 def \Redshift/ 5
Requiem 6 def Devil 4
Division 3 :
Assassins 12 def Unhallowed 5
DoH 5 def Black Company 3
Presence 7 def EGO 6
Hellbound 10 def Doomsday 5
Minor Threats 12 def Ministry of Funk 2
Division 4 :
Apocalypse 11 def Prevail 9
The Dark 12 def Darkslayers 5
Gods of Hate 12 def Nightwatch 0
Demonic 12 def Journey 0
Sterling 12 def Bloodlust 2

Round 5 - November 6, 1999 :
Division 1 v Division 2 :
B.I.A. 3 tied Requiem 3
Phatboys 12 def ExILED 4
Alphawin 12 def Fenix or +intelli+ 3[4]
Elysium 12 def BiP 2
Quest 12 def OUTLAWS 4
Betrayal 4 def ReDs 3
Addicts 12 def Eternalz 3
Devil def Waste of Time - FORFEIT
EpiK 7 def Starfire Elite 5
\Redshift/ 12 def Friendlyfire 2
Division 3 v Division 4 :
Presence 4 def Gods of Hate 2
EGO 12 def Sterling 3
DoH 12 def Nightwatch 3
Assassins 12 def The Dark 1
Ministry of Funk 12 def Darkslayers 5
Minor Threats 12 def Prevail 1
Hellbound 12 def Journey 4
Demonic 9 def Black Company 7
Bloodlust 7 def Unhallowed 6
Apocalypse 12 def Betawin 0

Round 6 - November 14, 1999 :
Division 1 :
Phatboys 12 def Eternalz 4
B.I.A. 10 def Friendlyfire 2
Quest 12 def Elysium 2
ReDs 12 def Starfire Elite 2
Alphawin 12 def enterprize 2
Division 2 :
Devil 12 def ExILED 0
EpiK 4 def Fenix or +intelli 3[4]
Betrayal 6 def OUTLAWS 4
\Redshift/ 12 def BiP 3
Requiem 9 def Addicts 1
Division 3 :
Assassins 10 def Black Company 5
EGO 12 def Ministry of Funk 4
DoH 11 def Hellbound 0
Unhallowed 12 def Minor Threats 2
Presence 12 def Betawin 1
Division 4 :
Apocalypse 12 def Nightwatch 6
Demonic 12 def Bloodlust 3
ONE 12 def Darkslayers 1
The Dark 12 def Journey 1
Sterling 12 def Prevail 5

Round 7 - November 21, 1999 :
Division 1 :
Alphawin 7 def Quest 6
B.I.A. 12 def Phatboys 2
Elysium 12 def Friendlyfire 4
ReDs 12 def enterprize 0
Starfire Elite 12 def Eternalz 8
Division 2 :
Betrayal 5 def \Redshift/ 4
Devil 12 def BiP 2
OUTLAWS 12 def EpiK 5
Addicts 12 def ExILED 0
Requiem 12 def +intelli+ 1
Division 3 :
EGO 8 def Assassins 5
Hellbound 7 def Black Company 5
DoH 12 def Minor Threats 1
Ministry of Funk 12 def Betawin 8
Presence 7 def Unhallowed 6
Division 4 :
ONE 12 def Sterling 5
Demonic 12 def Prevail 3
Bloodlust 12 def Nightwatch 5
Apocalypse 12 def The Dark 2
Journey 12 def Darkslayers 3

Round 8 - December 4, 1999 :
Division 1 :
B.I.A. 12 def Eternalz 2
Alphawin 12 def Friendlyfire 2
Phatboys 11 def Elysium 7
Quest 12 def ReDs 4
Starfire Elite 12 def enterprize 0
Division 2 :
Addicts 12 def BiP 5
Betrayal 6 def Devil 5
Requiem 12 def ExILED 1
+intelli+ 12 def OUTLAWS 10
\Redshift/ 12 def EpiK 2
Division 3 :
EGO 12 def Betawin 1
Hellbound 12 def Assassins 6
Black Company 12 def Minor Threats 0
Unhallowed 12 def Ministry of Funk 2
Presence 4 def DoH 3
Division 4 :
Apocalypse 12 def Darkslayers 3
The Dark 12 def Bloodlust 4
Nightwatch 12 def Prevail 2
ONE 9 def Journey 1
Demonic 12 def Sterling 2

Round 9 - December 11, 1999 :
Division 1 :
Eternalz 11 def enterprize 6
Alphawin 12 def Phatboys 7
B.I.A. 12 def Elysium 6
ReDs 12 def Friendlyfire 4
Quest 12 def Starfire Elite 1
Division 2 :
Addicts 3 def Betrayal 1
ExILED 9 def BiP 7
Devil 11 def EpiK 2
\Redshift/ 7 def +intelli+ 5
Requiem 12 def OUTLAWS 2
Division 3 :
Assassins 12 def Minor Threats 1
Black Company 5 def Presence 4
DoH 12 def Ministry of Funk 3
Hellbound 12 def EGO 2
Unhallowed 12 def Betawin 1
Division 4 :
Bloodlust 12 def Darkslayers 4
ONE 5 def Apocalypse 1
Demonic 12 def Nightwatch 4
Sterling 12 def Journey 3
The Dark 12 def Prevail 1

Round 10 - December 18, 1999 :
Division 1 :
Alphawin def Starfire Elite - NO-SHOW
Quest 6 def B.I.A. 5
Elysium 9 def enterprize 4
Phatboys 12 def Friendlyfire 3
ReDs 12 def Eternalz 4
Division 2 :
Devil 4 def Addicts 3
Betrayal 10 def +intelli+ 2
BiP 10 def OUTLAWS 9
Requiem 12 def EpiK 1
\Redshift/ 12 def ExILED 4
Division 3 :
Black Company 12 def EGO 6
Assassins 12 def DoH 4
Minor Threats 10 def Betawin 2
Presence 12 def Ministry of Funk 5
Unhallowed 12 def Hellbound 3
Division 4 :
Darkslayers 12 def Sterling 3
Prevail 9 def Bloodlust 2
Apocalypse 7 def Demonic 6
Nightwatch 12 def Journey 6
ONE 12 def The Dark 4

Standings[edit | edit source]

Division 1
# Team W L T D
1 Quest 9 1 67
2 Alphawin 8 2 47
3 B.I.A. 7 2 1 54
4 ReDs 7 3 37
5 Phatboys 5 5 13
6 Starfire Elite 4 6 -4
7 Eternalz 4 6 -18
8 Elysium 3 7 -23
9 enterprize 0 5 -44
10 Friendlyfire 0 10 -86
x Waste of Time 2 3 -16

Division 2
# Team W L T D
1 Requiem 9 0 1 67
2 Devil 8 2 65
3 Betrayal 8 2 31
4 Addicts 7 3 39
5 \Redshift/ 5 5 9
6 OUTLAWS 4 6 -7
7 EpiK 4 6 -34
8 intelli 1 3(5) -28
9 ExILED 1 9 -75
10 BiP 1 9 -77
x Fenix 2 2(4) -28

Note - uncertain whether +intelli+ replaced Fenix in Round 5, 6 or 7. Losses in parentheses are maximum losses. Differential is the total for both teams.

Division 3
# Team W L T D
1 Presence 9 1 45
2 Assassins 7 3 34
3 Hellbound 7 3 25
4 Unhallowed 6 4 35
5 EGO 6 4 15
6 DoH 5 5 25
7 Black Company 5 5 23
8 Minor Threats 3 7 -49
9 Ministry of Funk 2 8 -57
10 Betawin 0 6 -57
x Doomsday 2 2 -7

Division 4
# Team W L T D
1 Demonic 9 1 85
2 Apocalypse 8 2 42
3 ONE 5 0 38
4 Sterling 5 5 1
5 The Dark 4 6 -10
6 Nightwatch 4 6 -29
7 Journey 4 6 -30
8 Bloodlust 3 7 -32
9 Darkslayers 2 8 -51
10 Prevail 1 9 -43
x Gods of Hate 3 2 8
x Forsaken 0 3 -23

Play-Offs[edit | edit source]

Play-Offs - January 15, 2000 :
DoH def EGO - FORFEIT[5]
The Dark 10 def Alphawin 5
Phatboys 11 def Hellbound 1
ReDs 9 def Sterling 7
Unhallowed 6 def Black Company 5
B.I.A. 10 def Nightwatch 5
Assassins 9 def \Redshift/ 4
Addicts 12 def OUTLAWS 1

Play-Offs - January 22, 2000 :
Requiem 9 def DoH 1
Apocalypse 6 def The Dark 4
Presence 12 def Phatboys 2
ReDS 5 def Betrayal 4
Unhallowed 12 def Demonic 5
ONE 2 def B.I.A. 0
Assassins 12 def Quest 3
Addicts 6 def Devil 2

Quarter-Finals - January 29, 2000 :
Game 1 :
ReDS 11 def Presence 4
ONE 7 def Unhallowed 2
Requiem 4 def Apocalypse 1
Addicts 9 def Assassins 2

Quarter-Finals - February 6, 2000 :
Game 2 :
Presence 10 def ReDS 5
Assassins 12 def Addicts 2
ONE 8 def Unhallowed 3
Requiem 11 def Apocalypse 1

Quarter-Finals - February 7, 2000 :
Game 3 :
Assassins 6 def Addicts 5
Presence 11 def ReDS 1

Semi-Finals - February 13, 2000 :
Games 1 & 2 :
ONE 5 def Assassins 4
ONE 9 def Assassins 8
Presence 2 def Requiem 0
Requiem 3 def Presence 2

Semi-Final - February 26, 2000 :
Game 3 :
Presence 5 def Requiem 3

Final - March 4, 2000 :
Presence 9 def ONE 2
Presence 6 def ONE 4

External Links[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit source]

  1. Agony were initially listed in the schedule but EternalZ played in their place. Unsure if Agony played in Round 1 or failed to make the Regular Season.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Commenced mid-season
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Did not complete season
  4. 4.0 4.1 +intelli+ replaced Fenix but the exact round in uncertain. Fenix was still competing at Round 4, +intelli+ had arrived by Round 7
  5. "EGO has gone to the army - NOSHOW"

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