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Season 06 of Pro League ran from April to August, 2000.

Summary[edit | edit source]

Competing Teams : Addicts, Alphawin, Apocalypse[1], Assassins, BALLISTICS[1], Betrayal, B.I.A., Blue Virtue, The Dark, Devil, DOMINATION, DoH, EGO, Elysium, enterprize, EpiK, Equilibrium[2], Foundation, Hemp Lordz, +intelli+, Legends, Nightwatch, Phatboys, Prevail[1], RAF[2], ReDS, \Redshift/, Requiem, Secret, Starfire Elite, Sterling, Sundown, Unhallowed, Vigilant, Watchmen, WTF?[2].
Champions: Requiem. Runners-Up: Legends

Divisional Split[edit | edit source]

Alpha Beta Gamma
Alphawin Elysium B.I.A.
Betrayal Hemp Lordz
Blue Virtue
Legends EGO
The Dark Phatboys Equilibrium
enterprize ReDS intelli
EpiK Requiem Nightwatch
Starfire Elite Secret
Sundown Watchmen Sterling
Unhallowed WTF?

Results[edit | edit source]

Regular Season[edit | edit source]

Round 1 - April 2, 2000 :
Alpha Conference :
Addicts 12 def Alphawin 2
Betrayal 3 def DoH 2
The Dark 9 def EpiK 6
Unhallowed 12 def enterprize 2
Blue Virtue 12 def Sundown 0
Beta Conference :
Elysium 12 def Apocalypse 7
Secret 10 def Domination 5
Phatboys 9 def Watchmen 4
Requiem 9 def ReDS 1
Legends 11 def Prevail 4
Gamma Conference :
B.I.A. 12 def EGO 3
Devil 12 def \Redshift/ 3
Foundation 11 def BALLISTICS 7
Sterling 3 def Assassins 2
+intelli+ 12 def Vigilant 4

Round 2 - April 9, 2000 :
Alpha Conference :
Addicts 6 def DoH 5
Betrayal 12 def EpiK 0
Unhallowed 6 def Blue Virtue 5
The Dark 10 def enterprize 4
Sundown 12 def Starfire Elite 4
Beta Conference :
Legends 9 def ReDS 3
Requiem 6 def Hemp Lordz 2
Watchmen 12 def Prevail 2
Domination 11 def Apocalypse 1
Phatboys 9 def Secret 5
Gamma Conference :
Devil 11 def B.I.A. 5
\Redshift/ 12 def Foundation 4
Sterling 12 def BALLISTICS 0
Assassins 12 def +intelli+ 3
Nightwatch 12 def Vigilant 9

Round 3 - April 16, 2000 :
Alpha Conference :
Addicts 12 def EpiK 1
DoH 5 def Alphawin 3
Betrayal 12 def enterprize 0
Blue Virtue 5 def The Dark 2
Unhallowed 12 def Starfire Elite 0
Beta Conference :
Apocalypse 8 def Phatboys 7
Domination 12 def Elysium 2
Secret 12 def Prevail 5
Watchmen 8 def ReDS 3
Legends 9 def Hemp Lordz 4
Gamma Conference :
B.I.A. 7 def Foundation 6
Devil 12 def EGO 4
Sterling 6 def \Redshift/ 5
+intelli+ 9 def BALLISTICS 7
Assassins 12 def Nightwatch 4

Round 4 - April 22, 2000 :
Alpha Conference :
Addicts 8 def enterprize 0
Betrayal 12 def Blue Virtue 0
EpiK 12 def Alphawin 2
The Dark 12 def Starfire Elite 2
Unhallowed 10 def Sundown 2
Beta Conference :
Requiem 7 def Legends 1
Elysium 11 def Phatboys 7
Apocalypse 12 def Prevail 3
ReDS 12 def Secret 2
Hemp Lordz 4 def Watchmen 0
Gamma Conference :
B.I.A. 5 def Sterling 4
Foundation 12 def EGO 3
+intelli+ 7 def \Redshift/ 6
Nightwatch 12 def BALLISTICS 4
Assassins 12 def Vigilant 3

Round 5 - April 29, 2000 :
Alpha Conference :
Betrayal 12 def Starfire Elite 0
Addicts 12 def Blue Virtue 0
DoH 12 def EpiK 0
The Dark 11 def Sundown 1
Alphawin 12 def enterprize 3
Beta Conference :
Requiem 11 def Watchmen 1
Apocalypse 7 def ReDS 5
Elysium 12 def Prevail 4
Domination 12 def Phatboys 3
Hemp Lordz 12 def Secret 1
Gamma Conference :
+intelli+ 2 def B.I.A. 0
Sterling 12 def EGO 0
Devil 12 def Foundation 5
\Redshift/ 5 def Nightwatch 3
Vigilant 12 def BALLISTICS 9

Round 6 - May 6, 2000 :
Alpha Conference :
Unhallowed 6 def The Dark 4
Addicts 12 def Starfire Elite 2
Betrayal 12 def Sundown 0
DoH 12 def enterprize 1
Alphawin 10 def Blue Virtue 2
Beta Conference :
Apocalypse 9 def Hemp Lordz 7
Elysium 5 def ReDS 4
Domination 12 def Prevail 1
Requiem 12 def Secret 1
Legends 4 def Watchmen 3
Gamma Conference :
B.I.A. 11 def Nightwatch 1
EGO 8 def +intelli+ 5
Sterling 6 def Devil 5
Vigilant 12 def \Redshift/ 7
Assassins 12 def BALLISTICS 0

Round 7 - May 13, 2000 :
Alpha Conference :
Betrayal 3 def Unhallowed 1
Addicts 12 def Sundown 0
DoH 12 def Blue Virtue 2
EpiK 12 def enterprize 4
Alphawin 12 def Starfire Elite 4
Beta Conference :
Requiem 4 def Apocalypse 2
Hemp Lordz 5 def Elysium 4
Phatboys def Prevail - FORFEIT
Legends 12 def Secret 1
Domination 12 def ReDS 1
Gamma Conference :
B.I.A. 12 def Vigilant 0
Nightwatch 12 def EGO 0
+intelli+ 6 def Devil 5
Sterling 10 def Foundation 6
Assassins 12 def \Redshift/ 0

Round 8 - May 20, 2000 :
Alpha Conference :
DoH 12 def Starfire Elite 4
Betrayal 4 def The Dark 2
Addicts 4 def Unhallowed 1
Alphawin 12 def Sundown 6
EpiK 7 def Blue Virtue 5
Beta Conference :
Domination 5 def Hemp Lordz 3
Legends 12 def Apocalypse 2
Requiem 12 def Elysium 2
Phatboys 12 def ReDS 4
Watchmen 12 def Secret 1
Gamma Conference :
Assassins 9 def B.I.A. 3
Vigilant 9 def EGO 8
Devil 12 def Nightwatch 4
Foundation 11 def +intelli+ 5
\Redshift/ 12 def BALLISTICS 2

Round 9 - May 27, 2000 :
Alpha Conference :
Addicts 10 def The Dark 1
Unhallowed 9 def Alphawin 2
DoH 10 def Sundown 4
Blue Virtue 12 def enterprize 10
EpiK 12 def Starfire Elite 2
Beta Conference :
Watchmen 12 def WTF? 1
Legends 6 def Elysium 4
Requiem 7 def Domination 3
Hemp Lordz 12 def Phatboys 1
RAF 7 def ReDS 1
Gamma Conference :
B.I.A. 12 def BALLISTICS 0
Assassins 12 def EGO 5
Devil 10 def Vigilant 4
Foundation 12 def Nightwatch 5
Sterling 12 def +intelli+ 4

Round 10 - June 3, 2000 :
Alpha Conference :
Betrayal 4 def Addicts 2
DoH 12 def Unhallowed 5
Starfire Elite 12 def enterprize 7
Alphawin 12 def The Dark 6
EpiK 6 def Sundown 1
Beta Conference :
WTF? 12 def Secret 6
Watchmen 7 def Elysium 5
Legends 6 def Domination 4
Requiem 12 def Phatboys 5
RAF 11 def Hemp Lordz 1
Gamma Conference :
\Redshift/ 4 def B.I.A. 2
Equilibrium 12 def EGO 6
Assassins 7 def Devil 6
Foundation 12 def Vigilant 4
Sterling 12 def Nightwatch 6

Round 11 - June 10, 2000 :
Alpha Conference :
Betrayal 7 def Alphawin 1
The Dark 4 def DoH 2
Unhallowed 6 def EpiK 1
Blue Virtue 12 def Starfire Elite 7
Sundown 12 def enterprize 5
Beta Conference :
Hemp Lordz 12 def ReDS 3
Elysium 12 def Secret 3
Domination 4 def Watchmen 2
Legends 11 def Phatboys 2
Requiem 8 def RAF 4
Gamma Conference :
EGO 12 def \Redshift/ 7
Devil 12 def Equilibrium 5
Assassins 11 def Foundation 3
Sterling 12 def Vigilant 2
Nightwatch 12 def +intelli+ 4

Standings[edit | edit source]

# Team W L D
1 Betrayal 10 0 73
2 Addicts 9 1 74
3 DoH 7 3 52
4 Unhallowed 7 3 33
5 Alphawin 5 5 2
6 The Dark 5 5 0
7 EpiK 5 5 -8
8 Blue Virtue 4 6 -23
9 Sundown 2 8 -56
10 Starfire Elite 1 9 -66
11 enterprize 0 10 -78

# Team W L D
1 Requiem 10 0 66
2 Legends 9 1 47
3 Domination 7 3 44
4 Watchmen 5 5 17
5 Hemp Lordz 5 5 13
6 Elysium 5 5 3
7 Phatboys 4 6 -12
8 RAF 2 1 10
9 Secret 2 8 -62
10 WTF? 1 1 -5
11 ReDS 1 9 -46
x Prevail 0 7 -64
x Apocalypse 4 4 -15

# Team W L D
1 Assassins 9 1 71
2 Sterling 9 1 54
3 Devil 7 3 48
4 B.I.A. 6 4 29
5 Foundation 5 5 10
6 intelli 5 5 -22
7 Nightwatch 4 6 -1
8 \Redshift/ 4 6 -11
9 Vigilant 3 7 -51
10 EGO 2 8 -56
11 Equilibrium 1 1 -1
x BALLISTICS 0 8 -63

Play-Offs[edit | edit source]

Play-Offs - July 2, 2000 :
Unhallowed 4 def DoH 3
Addicts 6 def Watchmen 5
B.I.A. 12 def Assassins 1
Requiem 12 def Alphawin 2
Hemp Lordz 7 def Sterling 3
Betrayal 12 def The Dark 1
Legends 4 def Elysium 2
Domination 9 def Devil 5

Quarter-Finals - July 16, 2000 :
Legends 8 def B.I.A. 5
Addicts 2 def Hemp Lordz 0
Requiem 2 def Unhallowed 1
Domination 3 def Betrayal 1

Semi-Finals - July 30, 2000 :
Addicts 3 def Requiem 2
Requiem 6 def Addicts 2
Requiem 3 def Addicts 1
Legends 4 def Domination 3
Legends 4 def Domination 3

Finals - August 20, 2000 :
Requiem 2 def Legends 0
Requiem 6 def Legends 2

External Links[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Did not complete season
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Commenced mid-season

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