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Season 07 of Pro League ran from September 2000 to January 2001.

Summary[edit | edit source]

Competing Teams (incomplete) : Addicts, Ascension, Assassins, The Dark, Demonic[1], Dukes Of Hazzard, Dynasty, EGO, Elements, Epik, Equilibrium, .foo., Hemp Lordz, Iced Out, +intelli+, Journey, ONE, Legends, phatboys, Presence, Pulsar, Quality Control, RaDaR, RAF, \Redshift/, Requiem, Spork[1], Starfire Elite, Unhallowed, =United=, Watchmen, WTF?
Champions: Quality Control. Runners-Up: Requiem

Divisional Split[edit | edit source]

Alpha Omega
Apollo Zeus Aries Hercules
Dynasty Addicts The Dark Ascension
Elements Assassins EpiK Demonic
Journey DoH Equilibrium EGO
ONE Hemp Lordz +intelli+ .foo.
Legends Iced Out Pulsar phatboys
Presence Quality Control Spork RaDaR
RAF Requiem Starfire Elite \Redshift/
Watchmen Unhallowed =United= WTF?

Results[edit | edit source]

Regular Season[edit | edit source]

Round Robin[edit | edit source]

Round 1 - September 23, 2000:
Apollo Conference:
ONE 9 def Journey 3
Presence 12 def RAF 2
Legends 12 def Watchmen 2
Dynasty 12 def Elements 2
Aries Conference:
+intelli+ 9 def Pulsar 5
Equilibrium 10 def =United= 9
The Dark 12 def Starfire Elite 1
EpiK 12 def Spork 2
Hercules Conference:
EGO 7 def \Redshift/ 5
phatboys 11 def WTF? 6
RaDaR 12 def Demonic 1
.foo. 6 def Ascension 5
Zeus Conference:
Requiem 12 def Assassins 3
Addicts 12 def DoH 1
Quality Control 9 def Hemp Lordz 2
Iced Out 5 def Unhallowed 3

Round 2 - September 30, 2000:
Apollo Conference:
ONE 4 def Dynasty 3
Presence 5 def Journey 3
Legends 8 def RAF 2
Watchmen def Elements - FORFEIT
Aries Conference:
+intelli+ 12 def Starfire Elite 7
Pulsar 12 def EpiK 5
The Dark 12 def =United= 3
Equilibrium 12 def Spork 1
Hercules Conference:
\Redshift/ 12 def Ascension 2
phatboys 12 def .foo. 4
WTF? 12 def RaDaR 1
EGO def Demonic - FORFEIT
Zeus Conference:
Requiem 12 def DoH 0
Addicts 4 def Hemp Lordz 3
Quality Control 3 def Iced Out 1
Unhallowed 8 def Assassins 3

Round 3 - October 7, 2000:
Apollo Conference:
ONE 10 def Watchmen 5
Dynasty 7 def Presence 4
Legends 12 def Elements 1
RAF 8 def Journey 3
Aries Conference:
+intelli+ 10 def EpiK 1
Pulsar 12 def Equilibrium 4
=United= 12 def Starfire Elite 6
The Dark 9 def Spork 0
Hercules Conference:
\Redshift/ 12 def phatboys 2
WTF? 12 def .foo. 1
EGO 12 def RaDaR 2
Ascension 6 def Demonic 0
Zeus Conference:
Requiem 12 def Hemp Lordz 2
Addicts 12 def Iced Out 0
DoH 6 def Assassins 0
Quality Control 3 def Unhallowed 1

Round 4 - October 14, 2000:
Apollo Conference:
ONE 4 def Legends 3
Presence 12 def Watchmen 1
Dynasty 12 def Journey 7
Elements 12 def RAF 5
Aries Conference:
+intelli+ 9 def Equilibrium 2
Pulsar 6 def The Dark 5
=United= 9 def Spork 0
EpiK 12 def Starfire Elite 3
Hercules Conference:
\Redshift/ 12 def .foo. 3
phatboys def Demonic - FORFEIT
EGO 12 def WTF? 3
RaDaR 11 def Ascension 3
Zeus Conference:
Requiem 12 def Iced Out 0
Unhallowed 5 def Addicts 3
DoH 9 def Hemp Lordz 6
Quality Control def Assassins - FORFEIT

Round 5 - October 21, 2000:
Apollo Conference:
ONE 12 def Elements 3
Presence 6 def Legends 4
RAF 12 def Dynasty 7
Watchmen 12 def Journey 7
Aries Conference:
The Dark 4 def +intelli+ 2
Pulsar 12 def =United= 1
Starfire Elite def Spork - FORFEIT
Equilibrium 12 def EpiK 6
Hercules Conference:
\Redshift/ 8 def WTF? 7
RaDaR 8 def phatboys 2
Ascension 12 def EGO 4
.foo. 6 def Demonic 0
Zeus Conference:
Requiem 11 def Unhallowed 3
Quality Control 12 def Addicts 1
Hemp Lordz 6 def Assassins 0
DoH def Iced Out - FORFEIT

Round 6 - October 28, 2000:
Apollo Conference:
ONE 12 def RAF 1
Presence 12 def Elements 4
Legends 6 def Journey 0
Dynasty 10 def Watchmen 2
Aries Conference:
+intelli+ 12 def =United= 2
Pulsar def Spork - FORFEIT
Equilibrium 12 def Starfire Elite 4
The Dark 12 def EpiK 5
Hercules Conference:
\Redshift/ 6 def Demonic 0
EGO 9 def phatboys 7
WTF? 12 def Ascension 1
RaDaR 12 def .foo. 2
Zeus Conference:
Requiem 4 def Quality Control 2
Addicts 6 def Assassins 0
Hemp Lordz 6 def Iced Out 1
Unhallowed 9 def DoH 1

Round 7 - November 4, 2000:
Apollo Conference:
ONE 3 def Presence 2
Legends 12 def Dynasty 2
RAF 8 def Watchmen 7
Elements def Journey - FORFEIT
Aries Conference:
+intelli+ def Spork - FORFEIT
Pulsar 12 def Starfire Elite 1
EpiK 12 def =United= 3
The Dark 4 def Equilibrium 3
Hercules Conference:
\Redshift/ 7 def RaDaR 2
phatboys 6 def Ascension 4
WTF? 6 def Demonic 0
EGO 12 def .foo. 4
Zeus Conference:
Requiem 9 def Addicts 4
Hemp Lordz 7 def Unhallowed 5
Quality Control 12 def DoH 3
Iced Out 6 def Assassins 0

Standings After Round Robin[edit | edit source]

Some of these standings are incomplete due to some missing match results. The order of the standings has been calculated first by total known wins, and secondly by maximum possible wins. However in cases where the play-offs suggest it, the tables have been re-ordered accordingly.

Team W[2] L
ONE 7 0
Presence 5 2
Legends 5 2
Dynasty 4 3
RAF 3 4
Watchmen 2 5
Elements 2 5
Journey 0 7

Team W[2] L
Pulsar 6 1
intelli 6 1
The Dark 6 1
Equilibrium 4 3
EpiK 3 4
=United= 2 5
Starfire Elite 1 6
Spork 0 7

Team W[2] L
\Redshift/ 6 1
EGO 6 1
WTF? 4 3
RaDaR 4 3
phatboys 4 3
Ascension 2 5
.foo. 2 5
Demonic[3] 0 7

Team W[2] L
Requiem 7 0
Quality Control 6 1
Addicts 4 3
Hemp Lordz 3 4
DoH 3 4
Unhallowed 3 4
Iced Out 2 5
Assassins[3] 0 7

Dual-Group Cross-Conference Rounds[edit | edit source]

Round 8 - November 11, 2000:
With a round robin for each conference complete, it appears that teams now went on to meet each other in cross-conference clashes for the next 4 rounds. It is unclear at this point whether these are merely additional Regular Season matches, exhibition matches, or play-offs qualifiers.

  • SM2000 archives show some teams' round history and not others. For those not shown, it is possible there were some clashes that have been recreated tentatively below.
  • Per Underlord's news archive documentation, both Elements and Iced Out withdrew after 8 rounds of play.
  • It is 99% likely that Demonic & Spork had withdrawn from competition by this time - they did not compete in this section.
  • While there is no solid evidence, the trail of 6-0s suggests Assassins had withdrawn.
  • Journey were competing until Round 6 but may have dropped at this point.

Apollo-Zeus Cross-Conference:
ONE 2 def Requiem 1
Presence 4 def Addicts 2
Quality Control 5 def Legends 4
Dynasty 6 def Hemp Lordz 5
Unhallowed 12 def RAF 4
Watchmen 11 def DoH 4
Aries-Hercules Cross-Conference:
+intelli+ 12 def EGO 9
Pulsar 5 def \Redshift/ 4
.foo. 12 def =United= 2
Ascension 12 def Starfire Elite 0
phatboys 6 def EpiK 5
WTF? 12 def The Dark 4
RaDaR 12 def Equilibrium 3
Teams Not Shown:
Elements, Iced Out (confirmed withdrawn), Assassins, Demonic, Spork, Journey (all likely withdrawn)

Round 9 - November 19, 2000:
Apollo-Zeus Cross-Conference:
ONE 10 def Quality Control 3
Presence def Hemp Lordz - FORFEIT
Requiem 4 def Legends 3
Dynasty 12 def Addicts 0
RAF def Iced Out - FORFEIT (shown as forfeit but apparently had already withdrawn - may as well have been a BYE round)
Aries-Hercules Cross-Conference:
+intelli+ 6 def \Redshift/ 5
Pulsar 12 def EGO 3
phatboys 12 def =United= 0
Equilibrium 12 def WTF? 4
The Dark 12 def RaDaR 4
EpiK 9 def .foo. 7
Teams Not Shown:
Watchmen, Starfire Elite, DoH, Unhallowed, Ascension (each of these either played in a match not recorded or enjoyed a BYE round)
Assassins, Demonic, Spork, Journey (all likely withdrawn)

Round 10 - December 3, 2000:
Apollo-Zeus Cross-Conference:
ONE 3 def Addicts 2
Requiem 2 def Presence 0
Legends 12 def Hemp Lordz 3
Quality Control 5 def Dynasty 2
DoH 12 def RAF 11
Unhallowed 6 def Watchmen 4
Aries-Hercules Cross-Conference:
+intelli+ 2 def RaDaR 1
WTF? 12 def Pulsar 6
phatboys 12 def Starfire Elite 3
\Redshift/ 3 def The Dark 2
Ascension 12 def EpiK 6
Equilibrium 10 def EGO 6
Teams Not Shown:
=United= - BYE
Assassins, Demonic, Spork, Journey (all likely withdrawn),.foo. (seems either withdrawn or eliminated, BYE round possible but seeming unlikely)

Standings After Dual-Group Cross-Conference Rounds[edit | edit source]

This table shows standings after the 3 rounds of duel-group cross-conference matches.

Team W[2] L
ONE 10 0
Presence 7 3
Legends 6 4
Dynasty 6 4
RAF 4 6
Watchmen 3 6
Elements 2 5
Journey 0 7

Team W[2] L
intelli 9 1
Pulsar 8 2
The Dark 7 3
EpiK 4 6
Equilibrium 6 4
=United= 2 7
Starfire Elite 1 8
Spork 0 7

Team W[2] L
\Redshift/ 7 3
phatboys 7 3
EGO 6 4
WTF? 6 4
RaDaR 5 5
Ascension 4 5
.foo. 3 6
Demonic 0 7

Team W[2] L
Requiem 9 1
Quality Control 8 2
Unhallowed 5 4
Addicts 4 6
DoH 4 5
Hemp Lordz 3 7
Iced Out 2 6
Assassins 0 7

Play-Offs[edit | edit source]

The best guess' at where play-offs started is with Round 11, although more information would be useful.

Teams That Did Not Advance To This Round :
Confirmed Withdrawn : Elements, Iced Out
Likely Withdrawn : Assassins, Demonic, Spork, Journey
Likely Withdrawn or Did Not Qualify : .foo., Starfire Elite

Play-Offs Round 1 - December 10, 2000:
An assumption that this round was a play-off round is borne of some reverse sleuthing. All of the winners from Round 11 featured in play-offs. All of the losers did not.
ONE, Presence, Legends, Dynasty, Requiem, Addicts, Quality Control, Unhallowed were all Top 8 seeds and proceeded directly to Round 2.
RAF 12 def EpiK 7
Watchmen 12 def RaDaR 6
+intelli+ 12 def WTF? 3
Pulsar 8 def EGO 6
Hemp Lordz 12 def =United= 0
\Redshift/ 4 def Equilibrium 2
phatboys 4 def The Dark 3
DoH 12 def Ascension 7

Play-Offs Round 2 - December 17, 2000:
ONE 12 def phatboys 2
Presence 3 def \Redshift/ 2
Legends 12 def DoH 1
Dynasty 12 def Hemp Lordz 2
Addicts 12 def RAF 7
Watchmen 12 def Unhallowed 3
Quality Control 12 def +intelli+ 7
Requiem 6 def Pulsar 2

Quarter-Finals - January 7, 2000:
Presence 12 def Watchmen 1
Quality Control 6 def Legends 5
Requiem 5 def Dynasty 3
ONE 6 def Addicts 1

Semi-Finals - January 14, 2001:
Quality Control 4 def ONE 2
Requiem 2 def Presence 1

Finals - January 21, 2001:
Quality Control 4 def Requiem 3
Quality Control 6 def Requiem 5

External Links[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Did not complete season
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Due to a number of missing match results, maximum possible wins is included within brackets beside known wins
  3. 3.0 3.1 Despite not competing for a substantial part of the season, there is no proof that this team actually withdrew

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