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Season 08 of Pro League ran from March to June, 2001.

Summary[edit | edit source]

Competing Teams (incomplete): Allah, Apocalypse, Ascension, Betrayal, B.I.A., Black Star, The Dark, Dragonwings, Dukes Of Hazzard, Equilibrium, Esat, Final, Hemp Lordz, +Intelli+, Legends, Militancy, Nightwatch, Phatboys, Presence, Quality Control, RAF, Rebels, \Redshift/[1], Sterling, Symphony, Unhallowed, Watchmen.
Champions: Final. Runners-Up: Hemp Lordz

Divisional Split[edit | edit source]

Capricorn Gemini Scorpio
Betrayal Allah Ascension
The Dark Apocalypse B.I.A.
DragonWings Black Star Esat
Dukes Of Hazzard Final +intelli+
Equilibrium Nightwatch Militancy
Hemp Lordz PhatBoys Quality Control
Legends Presence \Redshift/
Symphony RAF Sterling
Unhallowed Rebels Watchmen

Results[edit | edit source]

Addicts, Bent on Mischief and =Vector= were initially pegged to compete in this season, but all three had withdrawn before Round 1. This resulted in a set of three byes to be attributed throughout each round of the regular season. Militancy started in the Gemini Conference but then moved to Scorpio, apparently to even out the conferences at 9 teams and 1 BYE slot each. This symmetry was not to last long, however, as Militancy withdrew by Round 7, in addition to \Redshift/ having withdrawn by Round 5 or earlier.

Regular Season[edit | edit source]

Round 1 - March 4, 2001
Capricorn Conference:
Betrayal 10 def DragonWings 2
The Dark 5 def Dukes Of Hazzard 2
Hemp Lordz 12 def Equilibrium 1
Symphony v Unhallowed (no result available)
Legends - BYE
Gemini Conference
Apocalypse 4 def Rebels 2
Nightwatch 12 def RAF 4
Presence 11 def Black Star 4
Allah 12 def Phatboys 4
Final 12 def Militancy 1 (not a 'within-conference' match-up)
Scorpio Conference:
+intelli+ 9 def \Redshift/ 3
Watchmen 12 def Esat 4
Ascension v Sterling (no result available)
B.I.A., Quality Control - BYE, Militancy played outside conference.

Round 2 - March 11, 2001
Capricorn Conference:
Betrayal 7 def Dukes Of Hazzard 5
Legends 5 def Symphony 2
Equilibrium 12 def DragonWings 5
Hemp Lordz v The Dark (no result available)
Unhallowed - BYE
Gemini Conference
Final 12 def Rebels 1
Presence 12 def Nightwatch 5
Phatboys 12 def Black Star 3
Allah 12 def RAF 1
Apocalypse - BYE
Scorpio Conference:
B.I.A. 12 def +intelli+ 2
Quality Control 12 def Ascension 2
Watchmen 12 def \Redshift/ 3
Esat 12 def Militancy 2
Sterling - BYE

Round 3 - March 18, 2001
Capricorn Conference:
Betrayal 11 def Equilibrium 4
Legends 8 def The Dark 3
Dukes Of Hazzard 12 def Symphony 4
Hemp Lordz v Unhallowed (no result available)
DragonWings - BYE
Gemini Conference
Final 12 def RAF 4
Apocalypse 12 def Allah 3
Nightwatch 12 def Rebels 7
Presence 6 def Phatboys 3
Black Star - BYE
Scorpio Conference:
B.I.A. 12 def Esat 1
Quality Control 12 def \Redshift/ 3
Ascension v +intelli+ (no result available)
Watchmen 8 def Sterling 6
Militancy - BYE

Round 4 - March 25, 2001
Capricorn Conference:
Betrayal 6 def Unhallowed 3
Legends 6 def Dukes Of Hazzard 5
The Dark 12 def Equilibrium 3
DragonWings v Symphony (no result available)
Hemp Lordz - BYE
Gemini Conference
Final 11 def Nightwatch 5
Apocalypse 12 def Presence 1 (postponed match, played in Rd 9)
RAF 9 def Phatboys 4
Rebels 6 def Black Star 0
Allah - BYE
Scorpio Conference:
B.I.A. 12 def Sterling 4
Quality Control 12 def +intelli+ 3
Esat 9 def \Redshift/ 3
Militancy v Ascension (no result available)
Watchmen - BYE

Round 5 - April 1, 2001
Capricorn Conference:
Legends 3 def Betrayal 2
Unhallowed 12 def Equilibrium 0
DragonWings 7 def The Dark 5
Hemp Lordz v Symphony (no result available)
Dukes Of Hazzard - BYE
Gemini Conference
Final 10 def Presence 0
Apocalypse 12 def Phatboys 3
RAF def Black Star - NO-SHOW
Allah 11 def Rebels 5
Nightwatch - BYE
Scorpio Conference:
B.I.A. v Quality Control - REMATCH AGREED, played in Rd 9 (no result available)
Militancy def \Redshift/ - FORFEIT
Watchmen v Ascension (no result available)
Sterling 12 def Esat 0
+intelli+ - BYE

Round 6 - April 8, 2001
Capricorn Conference:
Legends 3 def Hemp Lordz 2
Dukes Of Hazzard 11 def Equilibrium 8
Unhallowed 12 def DragonWings 4
Symphony v The Dark (no result available)
Betrayal - BYE
Gemini Conference
Final 10 def Allah 1
Apocalypse 9 def Black Star 2
Nightwatch 5 def Phatboys 2
Rebels 12 def RAF 3
Presence - BYE
Scorpio Conference:
Quality Control 8 def Watchmen 7
Ascension def \Redshift/ - FORFEIT
Esat 6 def +Intelli+ 5
Militancy v Sterling (no result available)
B.I.A. - BYE

Round 7 - April 15, 2001
Capricorn Conference:
Betrayal 12 def Symphony 0 (postponed for Easter, played with next round)
Legends v DragonWings (no result available)
Hemp Lordz 12 def Dukes Of Hazzard 2
The Dark v Unhallowed (no result available)
Equilibrium - BYE
Gemini Conference
Apocalypse ? def RAF ?
Nightwatch 6 def Allah 2
Presence v Rebels (no result available)
B.I.A. 12 def Black Star 1 (not a 'within-conference' match-up)
Final, Phatboys - BYE
Scorpio Conference:
Quality Control 6 def Militancy 0
Sterling def \Redshift/ - FORFEIT
Watchmen v +Intelli+ (no result available)
Ascension v B.I.A. (no result available)
Esat - BYE

Round 8 - April 22, 2001
Capricorn Conference:
Betrayal 10 def The Dark 2
Legends 6 def Equilibrium 0
Unhallowed 12 def Dukes Of Hazzard 3
Hemp Lordz 12 def DragonWings 2
Symphony - BYE
Gemini Conference
Final v Phatboys - POSTPONED to Rd 9
Apocalypse 10 def Nightwatch 3
Presence 12 def RAF 4
Allah 12 def Black Star 4
Rebels - BYE
Scorpio Conference:
B.I.A. def \Redshift/ - FORFEIT
Quality Control 12 def Esat 3
+Intelli+ v Sterling (no result available)
Watchmen 6 def Militancy 0
Ascension - BYE

Round 9 - April 29, 2001
Capricorn Conference:
Betrayal 3 def Hemp Lordz 2
Unhallowed 4 def Legends 3
Dukes Of Hazzard 12 def DragonWings 7
Equilibrium 12 def Symphony 5
The Dark - BYE
Gemini Conference
Final 12 def Apocalypse 3
Nightwatch def Black Star - FORFEIT
Allah 4 def Presence 3
Phatboys 9 def Rebels 8
Scorpio Conference:
B.I.A. 12 def Watchmen 6
Sterling 12 def Quality Control 3
Esat def Ascension - FORFEIT
+Intelli+ def Militancy - FORFEIT
\Redshift/ - BYE (however Redshift had withdrawn from competitin many rounds prior)

Top 10 Teams[edit | edit source]

While not specifically a standings table, the following were the 'Top Ten Pro League Squads' as at approx April - maybe May - 2001 :

Pos Team W/L K/D SOS
1 Final
2 Watchmen
3 Betrayal
4 Presence
5 B.I.A.
6 Quality Control
7 Apocalypse
8 Legends
9 Unhallowed
10 Hemp Lordz

Standings[edit | edit source]

These standings are very much incomplete due to a large number of missing match results. The order of the standings has been calculated first by total known wins, and secondly by maximum possible wins. However, in cases where the Top 10 standings suggest it to be so, or if the play-offs suggest it, the tables have been re-ordered accordingly.

Team W[2] L
Betrayal 7(7) 1
Legends 6(7) 1
Unhallowed 4(7) 1
Hemp Lordz 4(6) 2
Dukes Of Hazzard 3(3) 5
The Dark 2(5) 3
Equilibrium 2(6) 6
DragonWings 1(3) 5
Symphony 0(4) 4

Team W[2] L
Final[3] 7(8) 0
Apocalypse 7(7) 1
Presence 4(5) 3
Nightwatch 5(5) 3
Allah 5(5) 3
Rebels 2(3) 5
Phatboys 2(3) 5
RAF 2(2) 6
Black Star[4] 0(0) 8

Team W[2] L
B.I.A.[3] 6(8) 0
Quality Control 6(7) 1
Watchmen 4(6) 2
Sterling 3(6) 2
Esat 4(4) 4
intelli 3(5) 2
Ascension[5] 1(6) 2
Militancy[4] 1(3) 5
\Redshift/ 0(0) 8

Play-Offs[edit | edit source]

Play-Offs Round 1 - May 5/6, 2001 (probably)
Nightwatch def Legends
Watchmen def Sterling
Hemp Lordz def Apocalypse
Unhallowed def Presence
B.I.A. v Allah
Final, Quality Control, Betrayal - BYE

Play-Offs Round 2 - May 12/13, 2001 (probably)
Final def Nightwatch
Hemp Lordz def Watchmen
B.I.A. def Betrayal
Quality Control def Unhallowed

Semi-Finals - May 19/20, 2001 (probably)
Final def B.I.A.
Hemp Lordz def Quality Control

Final - May 26/27, 2001 (probably)
Game 1 - Final 12 def Hemp Lordz 0
Game 2 - Final 8 def Hemp Lordz 5

External Links[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit source]

  1. \Redshift/ forfeited every match after Rd 4
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Due to a number of missing match results, maximum possible wins is included within brackets beside known wins
  3. 3.0 3.1 1 win was against a team from another conference
  4. 4.0 4.1 1 loss was against a team from another conference
  5. While no results are available for Ascension post-Round 2, there is no proof that Ascension folded. The only known forfeit was in the last regular season round

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