Logs-Pro3703-The Dark v Symphony
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Log File for Pro Season 37 Round 3 - The Dark v Symphony :
Peeking Duc> rdy Symphony vs The Dark Starting in 60 seconds... -3- -2- -1- GO! Arena LOCKED DZ-4v4-Bot-> Odds to win: Symphony (50%), The Dark (50%). Use /!predict 100 (Peeking Duck?) or /!predict 200 (YELLOW HAMMER) during the first 2 minutes to bet on a team to win. Peeking Duc> !allowsub Black Out Peeking Duc> !allowsub floating gun YELLOW HAMM> .allowsub chrono YELLOW HAMM> .allowsub peabrain YELLOW HAMM> .allowsub blink YELLOW HAMM> .allowsub yellow hammer Nacre> JOCKER PULLING OUT THE WHOLE BENCH Nacre> READY FOR A WAR YELLOW HAMM> no nacre, like I said earlier, these guys are the main actors of TD Blink> dunk contest YELLOW HAMM> nacre cant dunk, hes 5 foot YELLOW HAMM> looooool Nacre> im 6'1 Blink> zing Nacre> GOOD TRY YELLOW HAMM> PROOF OR ITS NOT TRUE replika> .items Nacre> FINE Nacre> YOU WANT PROOF? Blink> 6'1 doesnt mean you can dunk tho Nacre> TRUE Nacre> JOCKER Nacre> SUB IN YELLOW HAMM> INSTANT IMPACT IF I DO Nacre> symphony is dunking Nacre> WE KNOW Nacre> LIKE LAST TIME WHEN YOU WERE OUT YELLOW HAMM> I WASNT YELLOW HAMM> WTF Nacre> ya you were Blink> that was me Nacre> no YELLOW HAMM> YOU MUST HAVE CONFUSED ME WITH SOMEONE ELSE Nacre> it was jocker Blink> its always me Nacre> cause he said that Nacre> and died out Nacre> shortly after YELLOW HAMM> nacre I didnt die out Nacre> YOU DIED OUT BRO Nacre> YOU GOT DUNKED bose> .stats replika> .stats Blink> .leaguestats yellow hammer Nacre> .leaguestats yellow hammer YELLOW HAMM> he made you check, blink YELLOW HAMM> he checked himself YELLOW HAMM> SELF-OWNED Nacre> bot didn't even record your failure Nacre> it was so bad Blink> .game 1297796 Nacre> it felt bad for you YELLOW HAMM> hahaha YELLOW HAMM> fu Nacre> charlie dunk on them YELLOW HAMM> CHARLIE PRO SKIM'd THAT BOMB Nacre> BHANG SKIM Jinxi> .stats Mercury kb Peeking Duck? -- Assist by: Svenfactor Mercury has 2 lives remaining - [10:21] Score: 1-0 Symphony -- [4v4] Mercury has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1] Blink in for Mercury [Full Sub] [Time: 00:01] [2 lives] replika> .items Nacre> fm Pryde kb Peeking Duck? -- Assist by: Plutorus Pryde has 2 lives remaining - [12:12] Score: 2-0 Symphony -- [4v4] replika> .stats uncivilized kb Blink -- Assist by: Crayzee uncivilized has 2 lives remaining - [13:08] Score: 2-1 Symphony -- [4v4] Bick> GO SYMPHONY Nacre> DUNK Charlie Sheen kb uncivilized -- Assist by: Svenfactor Charlie Sheen has 2 lives remaining - [14:42] Score: 3-1 Symphony -- [4v4] replika> TD lobbing against symphony YELLOW HAMM> theyre good YELLOW HAMM> no surprise Nacre> good job YELLOW HAMM> .allowsub chrono Nacre> CHRONO WANTS THE BALL Nacre> YOU CAN TELL YELLOW HAMM> .allowsub chrono Bick> !allowsub chrono YELLOW HAMM> did it work bick? Nacre> shoot blink Nacre> guys Nacre> there you go Nacre> go after him designator> nacre who are you coaching Nacre> symphony Nacre> was it not obvious? Nacre> shoot blink? Blink kb uncivilized -- Assist by: Peeking Duck? Blink has 1 life remaining - [16:43] Score: 4-1 Symphony -- [4v4] saiyan> LOL Nacre> DUNKED Blink> no replika> lol designator> it is now Blink> oh i have 1 life left Nacre> the REVERSAL Bick> NACRE FOR PRESIDENT? Gruntster> broken ankles Nacre> put gruntster in Nacre> if you want to instantly lose designator> that looked more like a 360 dunk Gruntster> $$ Nacre> it was a reverse slam Bick> NBA JAM replika> .stats Gambit> .statbox Durge> i predicted symphony to win minoan> lies Durge> at assassins game Bick> they flyin together super deliciously replika> .items Durge> said it in pub chat minoan> the 10000000000 pracs are paying off pryde's slot now set as fullsub. The next player to sub that slot will get a full ship. Cannot fullsub in the last 10 minutes. Plutorus kb Blink -- Assist by: Charlie Sheen Plutorus has 2 lives remaining - [18:36] Score: 4-2 Symphony -- [4v4] Caerbannog+> no. Captor> .stats minoan> Yes. Black Out> !items Bick> squads needa recruit yung bivk Bick> bick* Crayzee> .items Durge> ask symphony or sfe Nacre> ask outlaws Nacre> blink Nacre> turn on them Nacre> they'll never suspect designator> ft replika> .items Bick> symphony got a full roster Durge> then sfe best bet Bick> .roster symphony nude+> .results watchmen Nacre> crayzee Nacre> dunk on them Peeking Duck? kb Charlie Sheen -- Assist by: Blink Peeking Duck? has 2 lives remaining - [21:06] Score: 4-3 Symphony -- [4v4] designator> oh Nacre> good assist blink designator> Peeking Dunk? minoan> should have subbed himself Nacre> PEEKING DUNK Nacre> DUDE GET THAT NAME Bick> .roster starfire elite minoan> Grunt are you doing comentary? Nacre> blink stop running Nacre> shoot them Black Out> !time Nacre> if i wanted to watch candyman i'd tell you ZombieBobie> .stats Jinxi> uuuuuuuuunf Gruntster> unf unf uncivilized kb Charlie Sheen uncivilized has 1 life remaining - [23:27] Score: 4-4 TIED -- [4v4] Captor> charlie is 2v2 tournament winner Durge> charlie Captor> it shows uncivilized> .sc 1 uncivilized changes ships. uncivilized> .items Durge> comeback YELLOW HAMM> who is charlie's partner for the 2v2 tournament winner captor Plutorus kb Blink -- Assist by: Pryde Plutorus has 1 life remaining - [24:04] Score: 5-4 The Dark -- [4v4] Durge> who cares YELLOW HAMM> I heard hes great designator> ouch Captor> yellow hammer was YELLOW HAMM> O THATS RIGHT YELLOW HAMM> $ Durge> who did you play in the finals YELLOW HAMM> legacy YELLOW HAMM> and lusty Durge> lol YELLOW HAMM> lusty is better than you at 2v2 YELLOW HAMM> dont you lol him Durge> I highly doubt it KinGNewbiE> hes laughing at legacy YELLOW HAMM> well, I wouldnt know if hes better YELLOW HAMM> hes not bad though Captor> lusty was great in bloodlust times Captor> him and omis Nacre> blink YELLOW HAMM> lol kn Nacre> you gotta get in there Gruntster> yeah they were Nacre> symphony Nacre> you gotta get it together Nacre> you gyus are choking so hard Durge> !items Durge> get blink develop> nacre tell them to believe in themselves Nacre> thinking they're awesome Captor> they don't breath Nacre> then when they need to go forward Captor> they are choking Svenfactor kb Crayzee -- Assist by: Charlie Sheen Svenfactor has 2 lives remaining - [26:24] Score: 6-4 The Dark -- [4v4] Durge> dope Nacre> qed. Crayzee> .items Nacre> symphony designator> quite easily demonstrated Captor> iwill be 12-4 Nacre> you have to believe in yourselves Captor> it Nacre> believe develop> ^ Nacre> stop captor YELLOW HAMM> .fullsub charlie sheen charlie sheen's slot now set as fullsub. The next player to sub that slot will get a full ship. Cannot fullsub in the last 10 minutes. Nacre> im giving huge advice Charlie Sheen has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1] Peeking Duc> !fullsub uncivilized uncivilized's slot now set as fullsub. The next player to sub that slot will get a full ship. Cannot fullsub in the last 10 minutes. Black Out> .sub chrono in for Charlie Sheen [Full Sub] [Time: 00:07] [2 lives] uncivilized has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1] Black Out> .fullsub Black Out> .sub Black Out in for uncivilized [Full Sub] [Time: 00:04] [1 life] Nacre> the rosters are coming out Captor> who's blackout Nacre> time out Nacre> everyone Nacre> time out Caerbannog+> chrono could easily throw this! ivf> high gain is black out Durge> Chrono develop> chrono throws like a girl Crayzee> .items Captor> chrono will 4-0 Gambit> I think it is Vigilance actually Gruntster> chrono is a girl Gambit> High gain fights more develop> game Durge> tk chrono Nacre> this game Nacre> has devolved Nacre> into a prac develop> nacre not interest any more Nacre> nope Nacre> afk Nacre> ppl just not believing ivf> .items ivf> .stats Gruntster> kill the rock blink 5 Minutes until all new subs are burned. Crayzee> .items nude+> finals preview? develop> yep Caerbannog+> 6-4 at 13 to go? maybe Peeking Duck? kb Blink Peeking Duck? has 1 life remaining - [32:10] Score: 7-4 The Dark -- [4v4] Nacre> dunked Nacre> at leats you forced a rep Nacre> least* 1 Minute until all new subs are burned. Peeking Duck? kb Pryde Peeking Duck? is OUT! - [34:14] Score: 8-4 The Dark -- [4v3] Nacre> DUNKED Crayzee kb Svenfactor Crayzee has 2 lives remaining - [34:17] Score: 8-5 The Dark -- [4v3] Tidal> .stats Plutorus kb Pryde -- Assist by: Crayzee Plutorus is OUT! - [34:44] Score: 9-5 The Dark -- [4v2] designator> NO Nacre> it's a masscare Peeking Duc> .stats Svenfactor> .stats Nacre> what a hustle by blink Black Out kb Blink -- Assist by: chrono Black Out is OUT! - [34:58] Score: 10-5 The Dark -- [4v1] Nacre> DUNKED All new subs from now on are burned. Blink> cya designator> Dunked Out Nacre> blink ballin it up nude+> well, that decelerated quickly Nacre> i dont think you know the meaning of that word Nacre> that was definitely improper use nude+> test me Tidal> verbally dunked YELLOW HAMM> nacre how do u dunk Svenfactor kb Blink -- Assist by: chrono Svenfactor has 1 life remaining - [35:41] Score: 11-5 The Dark -- [4v1] YELLOW HAMM> I can only badonkaDUNK Nacre> you gotta press forward captor+> go 4v4event after this Nacre> and smash someone YELLOW HAMM> tell that to anyone else but me YELLOW HAMM> k YELLOW HAMM> thx Nacre> i am lightbender> <-- taking notes nude+> more deceleration Crayzee> .items YELLOW HAMM> you dont need to, you bend the light captor+> 2 teams war starting at ?go 4v4event right after this lightbender> doesn't help most of the time :( develop> sven taking td on a ride YELLOW HAMM> its true, I forgot we in space3 YELLOW HAMM> space* nude+> go ... the distance Svenfactor kb chrono -- Assist by: Blink Svenfactor is OUT! - [37:39] Score: 12-5 The Dark -- [4v1] Final Score: 12-5 The Dark wins -- Game Time: 37:39 +-------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+----------+----------------+ | F 200: The Dark Ki/De TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG | W-L | Ki/De | Rat TRat ERat | +-------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+----------+----------------+ | Pryde 2/ 1 0 0 1 1 7 0 0 0 37:16 | 56541/ 53860 51% | 44 10 | 3-0 | 5/1 | +12 530 1331 | | Mercury 0/ 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 2 0 10:23 | 15355/ 21762 41% | 40 10 | 2-0 | 2/1 | -2 507 1216 | | Blink 6/ 1 0 0 1 2 6 1 0 1 26:52 | 56038/ 36466 60% | 51 15 | 3-0 | 9/7 | +30 516 1884 | | Crayzee 1/ 1 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 37:16 | 62783/ 63099 49% | 43 14 | 3-0 | 2/1 | +5 514 1261 | | Charlie Sheen 2/ 1 0 1 1 2 2 0 0 1 26:48 | 46129/ 53315 46% | 72 17 | 3-0 | 11/3 | +9 552 1815 | | chrono 1/ 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 10:21 | 24089/ 14068 63% | 63 17 | 2-0 | 1/0 | +9 513 1314 | | TOTAL: 12/ 5 0 2 3 9 22 2 2 2 | 260935/242570 | 49 13 | 16-0 | 30/13 | +10 522 1470 | +-------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+----------+----------------+ | F 100: Symphony Ki/De TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG | W-L | Ki/De | Rat TRat ERat | +-------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+----------+----------------+ | Svenfactor 1/ 3 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 2 37:16 | 68422/ 83771 44% | 36 17 | 0-3 | 2/8 | +1 460 1595 | | Peeking Duck? 2/ 3 0 0 0 1 3 1 4 3 33:56 | 54931/ 58404 48% | 36 15 | 0-3 | 4/9 | -13 488 1127 | | uncivilized 2/ 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 26:59 | 41835/ 49186 45% | 43 9 | 0-3 | 2/4 | +3 497 1113 | | Black Out 0/ 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 7:33 | 9580/ 12608 43% | 45 10 | 0-2 | 0/4 | -1 490 1122 | | Plutorus 0/ 3 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 34:23 | 58405/ 68610 45% | 39 13 | 0-2 | 0/6 | -4 492 1289 | | TOTAL: 5/12 0 1 1 4 10 3 6 8 | 233173/272579 | 38 14 | 0-13 | 8/31 | -2 485 1248 | +-------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+----------+----------------+ Stats for this game can be viewed at: http://svssubspace.com/?page=Game&id=1298075 MVP: Blink (+30) -- Runner Up: Pryde (+12) LVP: Peeking Duck? (-13) -- Runner Up: Plutorus (-4) Arena UNLOCKED bose> Sven gott his develop> lol bose> oh Black Out> gg Plutorus> gg floating gu> gg Peeking Duc> gg bose> gg YELLOW HAMM> sven is good, too bad he is stuck with black out whose main skill is to lob from far chrono> gg sym Gruntster> gg darkies WAR OF 2 TEAMS STARTING AT ?GO 4v4event -captor+ Nacre> if a rocket of mass M launches and loses fuel at a rate of mass M', what is the force on the rocket and fuel? Caerbannog+> seven Caerbannog+> the answer is seven Pryde> gg guys Gruntster> gg yellow hammer Nacre> nope Nacre> the answer is caerbannog is stupid YELLOW HAMM> another comeback game to our comeback victory collection Nacre> want another question? YELLOW HAMM> gg grunt
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