Logs-Pro3705-The Dark v Watchmen

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Log File for Pro Season 37 Round 5 - The Dark v Watchmen :

    treachen> rdy
The Dark vs Watchmen
Starting in 60 seconds...
     krellin> mind urging for the D confirmed
 YELLOW HAMM> hf watchmen
 Charlie She> gl hf
       Arcon> GL HF
      Surrey> ok no problem
     krellin> krellin turned in by this news confirmed
     krellin> afk
       Durge> why isn't minkk in?
   Sith Lord> he's eating bacon
 DZ-4v4-Bot-> Odds to win: The Dark (50%), Watchmen (50%). Use /!predict 100 (Da Monkk) or /!predict 200 (treachen) during the first 2 minutes to bet on a team to win. 
    Da Monkk> yay
       Arcon> minkk
Sith Lord has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1]
       Durge> monkk scared
       Durge> LOL
   Sith Lord> !RETURN
Sith Lord returns to the game [Burned] [Note: Has engaged] [Lives Remaining: 3] [Time: 00:02]
   Sith Lord> wtf lol
       Durge> HAHAH
    treachen> wtf
      Gambit> nice
       Durge> good start
      Surrey> .items
       Durge> planned
      Surrey> riots going down quickly 
       Durge> Target YH
4 players needed for a 4v4 practice in ?go 4v4squad2 -Svenfactor
 Golden Blas> cant believe im cheering for TD
 Golden Blas> but gl
      Gambit> .schdule
      Gambit> .schedule
 Golden Blas> .stats
Sith Lord kb Benji -- Assist by: Blink
Sith Lord has 2 lives remaining - [1:19]
Score: 1-0 The Dark -- [4v4]
   Sith Lord> awesome
   Sith Lord> why do we lose items for lagging out?
 Golden Blas> krellin late 2 runs around the field
    treachen> .items
 Golden Blas> .roster the dark
 Golden Blas> .roster assassins
Crescendo kb Blink -- Assist by: YELLOW HAMMER
Crescendo has 2 lives remaining - [3:18]
Score: 2-0 The Dark -- [4v4]
 Golden Blas> .roster outlaws
 Golden Blas> .player rage
       Arcon> .items
 Golden Blas> .roster sterling
       Arcon> .items
      Gambit> .items
 Golden Blas> .schedule
    treachen> .items
       Arcon> .items
       Arcon> !items
 Golden Blas> .stats
     krellin> that tk bomb tho
 Golden Blas> krellin i heard u proed last league is this true
     X FORCE> !items
       Durge> 77
     McLaren> .items
      Gambit> .items
     krellin> minespace
Sith Lord kb Blink -- Assist by: X FORCE
Sith Lord has 1 life remaining - [9:32]
Score: 3-0 The Dark -- [4v4]
McLaren kb Blink
McLaren has 2 lives remaining - [9:32]
Score: 4-0 The Dark -- [4v4]
X FORCE kb McLaren
X FORCE has 2 lives remaining - [9:33]
Score: 4-1 The Dark -- [4v4]
 Golden Blas> woah
   Sith Lord> MAN
 Golden Blas> td strongz 
 Golden Blas> love the attacking 
Benji kb McLaren
Benji has 2 lives remaining - [10:08]
Score: 4-2 The Dark -- [4v4]
       Durge> huge
    Da Monkk> lol
       Durge> red
       Durge> lololo
       Durge> 2 bricks
    Da Monkk> LOL
       Durge> beast
       Durge> red
       Durge> LOL
YELLOW HAMMER kb McLaren -- Assist by: Sith Lord
YELLOW HAMMER has 2 lives remaining - [10:43]
Score: 4-3 The Dark -- [4v4]
       Durge> haha
 Golden Blas> aw
 Golden Blas> nt yel
      Legacy> haha
    treachen> .stats
       Durge> !stats
 Golden Blas> .items
    treachen> .items
 YELLOW HAMM> .items
       Arcon> .stats
ivf kb YELLOW HAMMER -- Assist by: X FORCE
ivf has 2 lives remaining - [11:36]
Score: 5-3 The Dark -- [4v4]
       Durge> treach should sub mindriot when he is 0 
     krellin> i think they should put in 7th saga 
       Durge> he bad tho 
       Durge> is 7th gambit? 
 Golden Blas> ow looky that attack 
 Golden Blas> g2 love it 
     krellin> put in 7th saga and develop 
     develop> NTS 
     develop> ME 
     krellin> for they are honorable men 
       nude+> 7th saga has a 4 year contract with Bye Round 
       Durge> huge 
 Golden Blas> lol 
       Durge> !roster bye round
       Durge> YES! 
 Golden Blas> how much does he earn? 
       Durge> hourly wages 
       nude+> 1 million partsis 
      Gambit> .items
 Golden Blas> thats like 50 centz 
       Durge> nude+caer give me benefits 
     develop> what kind of benefits 
       nude+> ... you have to ask? 
     krellin> cue in wah wah peddal and guitar 
 Golden Blas> im curious too 
       Durge> If you don't know, you can't afford them 
       nude+> develop trying to cut 7th saga's grass 
     develop> i never had to pay them before 
     develop> they ripping you off 
McLaren kb Blink -- Assist by: X FORCE
McLaren has 1 life remaining - [14:08]
Score: 6-3 The Dark -- [4v4]
    Da Monkk> .fullsub yellow hammer
yellow hammer's slot now set as fullsub. The next player to sub that slot will get a full ship. Cannot fullsub in the last 10 minutes.
       Durge> flee
YELLOW HAMMER has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1]
       Durge> fled
 Charlie She> .sub
Charlie Sheen in for YELLOW HAMMER [Full Sub] [Time: 00:02] [2 lives]
       Durge> hog it up
 Golden Blas> .stats
 The Village> wtf let pryde play
         ivf> .items
     develop> wtf nude 
     krellin> put krilyu in
     develop> I saw that 
 The Village> I wouldve let u play pryde
 Golden Blas> ow mommy is in
       nude+> lol 
     develop> did you just accuse me of being Mexican? 
       nude+> no 
       Durge> lol 
     krellin> how is that an accusation 
       Pryde> i don't think anyone would let me play after that -37 :P
     krellin> dev we're going to have to have a heart to heart about this 
       Durge> !leaguestats pryde
       Durge> what -37
     develop> :( 
       Three> !schedule
       Pryde> the last prac before match
       Durge> oh practice
       Durge> no one cares about pracs
       Durge> :(
       Durge> :)
       Pryde> i am allen iverson
 The Village> we talking about practice
       Durge> !results assassins
 The Village> practice?
 DarkDenizen> fake krilyu
       Durge> !game 1298583
 mr. penguin> !sub
Charlie Sheen and YELLOW HAMMER defeated Legacy and Lusty and 6 other teams to win the 2v2 event! Congrats!
 mr. penguin> !end
     develop> legacy and lusty
       Durge> !items
      Legacy> can we turn that zone message off. i didnt have a competent partner
     develop> lusty doesn't even play spaceships
   Sith Lord> !items
         ivf> .items
     krellin> develop> lusty is rusty
       nude+> .stats
     develop> was your only other option partsi or secede leg?
      Legacy> pretty much
    Da Monkk> .allowsub chrono
     develop> that sucks
     develop> i remember when i had to play with da monkk once
      Legacy> lusty was the best of the worst
X FORCE has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1]
chrono in for X FORCE [Burned] [Time: 00:02] [2 lives]
      Legacy> maybe lusty would play better if he went back to using Krishnamurti or Quietus
     krellin> yes blink
       Blink> yes
      Gambit> .items
Benji kb Sith Lord -- Assist by: Crescendo
Benji has 1 life remaining - [20:28]
Score: 6-4 The Dark -- [4v4]
       Three> YES SITH LORD
       Durge> ben no
     develop> benji no
     krellin> 10 seconds left
     krellin> GO 
 Golden Blas> they gotto stop acting like pussies
      Partsi> mmm... pussies
 Golden Blas> LOL
 Golden Blas> hairy ones?
     develop> golden blaster calling people pussies, and partsi pretending to no what they are
     develop> kill me
         ivf> .items
      Partsi> big hairy pussies
     develop> those are the worst kind
     develop> they're mean
         ivf> .items
 Golden Blas> LOL
      Gambit> .items
 Golden Blas> partsi
 Golden Blas> do u prefer it if a woman shave her legs?
     develop> how is that a srs question
     krellin> these lobs though
      Partsi> same day or not at all
 Golden Blas> im like serious
     develop> more mines
       Three> heat play today? 
       Three> er 
     krellin> right on cue
       Three> cavs 
  KinGNewbiE> playing right now 
     develop> cavs taking it 
  KinGNewbiE> on abc 
       Three> asl.kdjsa 
     krellin> that aw toggle though
 Golden Blas> wtf is a soul
 Golden Blas> i wanna do grunts boobs
 DarkDenizen> screw basketball...ironman D1, three! let's do this! 
 Golden Blas> ( . ) ( . )
      Partsi> manboobies?
 Golden Blas> hiya rd 
         Zep> D1 has better RNG than D3 
 Golden Blas> jups those r grunts
Blink kb ivf -- Assist by: Sith Lord
Blink has 2 lives remaining - [24:06]
Score: 6-5 The Dark -- [4v4]
       Durge> blink bad
      Legacy> CHOKE
 Caerbannog+> d3 rng is very strange 
       Durge> !items
 Golden Blas> u guys r so mean
      Gambit> .items
    RickDawg> target cloaklord
    treachen> .fullsub crescendo
crescendo's slot now set as fullsub. The next player to sub that slot will get a full ship. Cannot fullsub in the last 10 minutes.
Crescendo has changed to spectator mode. [Lagouts: 1]
    treachen> .sub 200
treachen in for Crescendo [Full Sub] [Time: 00:01] [2 lives]
 Caerbannog+> well I mean in terms of the devs wanting people not to play the cool builds 
      Partsi> mmm... full sub
      Legacy> score should be tied. sith lord giving a freebie burned ship away
 Caerbannog+> so they heavily gate all the items that actually make something playable 
 Golden Blas> .items
       Durge> hahha 
         Zep> time to finally quit that game and join us 
       Durge> sith 00 
 Caerbannog+> join you in what? 
       Durge> no Fullsubs either 
chrono kb Benji [TEAMKILL] -- Assist by: McLaren
chrono has 1 life remaining - [25:10]
Score: 6-6 TIED -- [4v4]
     develop> lol
       Three> LOL
    Da Monkk> lol
       Durge> got him
      Legacy> haha
      twIsta> lol
chrono changes ships.
     krellin> the comeback lol 
       Benji> got 12
     develop> it's real 
 Caerbannog+> I've been playing torchlight 2 for the weekend again, hoho 
    RickDawg> its more of a choke 
    RickDawg> then a comeback 
      Legacy> chrono LL get him
     develop> your face is more of a choke 
 Golden Blas> ROFLDFKOSHJ 
   Crescendo> it's better this way 
     krellin> dev why so hurtful 
   Crescendo> i hate my lag right now 
       nude+> .stats
     develop> cuz i need to get my nuts off 
    RickDawg> feelings hurt afk 
 Caerbannog+> d3 is only fun with a few friends with items around your power level 
 Golden Blas> dev that made me rofl 
      chrono> get me
 Caerbannog+> OR with a poison dart wd, pew pew 
     krellin> thats as good an answer as there can possibly be 
 DarkDenizen> you still playing d3, zep? 
         Zep> ya 
     develop> i speak truths 
         ivf> .items
      Gambit> .items
 Golden Blas> all a lie 
         Zep> not atm though...watching this bad game unfold 
 Caerbannog+> I should try marvel heroes again 
 Golden Blas> goede avond enzo 
      Gambit> .items
treachen kb Benji -- Assist by: Blink
treachen has 1 life remaining - [27:40]
Score: 7-6 The Dark -- [4v4]
       Durge> REp
 YELLOW HAMM> he wa s0
    treachen> i had no rep
 Something D> van hetzelfde 
      Gambit> .items
      Legacy> blink choking get him
       Durge> sith saved
    treachen> ah
      Legacy> lol 
      Legacy> blink at 20 nrg 
     krellin> yup 
      Gambit> .items
     develop> treach missed that 
     develop> thor instead of bomb 
      Partsi> some1 count Benji's bounces
      Legacy> blink at 20 nrg
 Street Figh> 324
 Solar Hydro> I read that as counting boobs
5 Minutes until all new subs are burned.
      Partsi> mmm... boobs
     krellin> blink is not toggling x 
         ivf> .items
       Durge> no reason too 
       Durge> riot won't attack 
       Durge> especially 0/0 LL 
     krellin> even more reason to 
         Zep> 3;where's arctos?
      Legacy> 3;under my desk
 Caerbannog+> but he'll go for charlie or whoever has the most lives 
   Crescendo> pretty surprised this is 7-6 
       nude+> oh 
      Gambit> .items
       Durge> why? watchmen have a decent lineup in 
       Durge> !items
     krellin> well they have their aw+x guy trying to do most of the work 
       Durge> OH, I thought you meant he didn't have x-radar on 
      Legacy> theyve almost killed blink like 3 times 
     krellin> no. he has both on and not toggling for recharge 
       Durge> which is why I said he didn't need to have it on 
      Legacy> and they miss on final shot everytime 
       nude+> ugh 
Sith Lord kb Blink -- Assist by: Charlie Sheen
Sith Lord is OUT! - [33:47]
Score: 8-6 The Dark -- [4v3]
   Sith Lord> haha
ivf kb Charlie Sheen
ivf has 1 life remaining - [33:58]
Score: 9-6 The Dark -- [4v3]
   Sith Lord> lost a full ship right at start of game, such awesome luck
1 Minute until all new subs are burned.
      Gambit> .stats
     krellin> that does suck :(
     2chainz> @MGCTF
      cfl+-+> .stats
McLaren kb Blink -- Assist by: chrono
McLaren is OUT! - [34:36]
Score: 10-6 The Dark -- [4v2]
treachen kb Charlie Sheen -- Assist by: Blink
treachen is OUT! - [34:42]
Score: 11-6 The Dark -- [4v1]
       Pryde> let me in!
       Pryde> :P
    treachen> no
      Legacy> spec for stats
All new subs from now on are burned.
      cfl+-+> comeback
ivf kb chrono -- Assist by: Benji
ivf is OUT! - [35:16]
Score: 12-6 The Dark -- [4v1]
Final Score: 12-6 The Dark wins -- Game Time: 35:16
| F 200: Watchmen  Ki/De TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG |    W-L   |   Ki/De  |  Rat TRat ERat |
| Crescendo         0/ 1  0  1  0  1  2  1   2  0 24:26 |  41048/ 52874  43% |  44  12 |    0-2   |    2/1   |   -1  511 1627 |
|  treachen         0/ 2  0  0  0  0  0  0   1  2  9:55 |  15486/ 26447  36% |  43  21 |    0-3   |    1/6   |   -5  490 1381 |
| ivf               1/ 3  0  0  0  0  2  0   1  3 34:57 |  57901/ 60456  48% |  37  12 |    0-4   |    6/11  |    0  511 1328 |
| McLaren           3/ 3  0  0  2  1  3  2   3  4 34:17 |  61591/ 42205  59% |  32  14 |    0-4   |    6/12  |   +8  502 1564 |
| Sith Lord         1/ 3  0  1  0  2  4  1   0  4 33:27 |  44238/ 42276  51% |  26  11 |    0-4   |    5/10  |  -16  469 1093 |
| TOTAL:            6/12  0  2  2  4 11  4   7 13       | 220264/224258      |  34  13 |    0-17  |   20/40  |   -2  496 1397 |
| F 100: The Dark  Ki/De TK LO SK AS FR WR WRk Mi PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AcB AcG |    W-L   |   Ki/De  |  Rat TRat ERat |
| Benji             2/ 2  1  0  0  1  5  2   3  3 34:57 |  56911/ 63810  47% |  53  13 |    1-0   |    2/2   |   +8  508 1266 |
| YELLOW HAMMER     1/ 1  0  1  0  1  1  0   1  1 14:22 |  23207/ 21634  51% |  48  14 |    3-0   |    4/3   |   +2  513 1768 |
|  Charlie Sheen    2/ 0  0  0  1  1  4  0   0  0 20:32 |  31440/ 35061  47% |  54  17 |    5-0   |   16/4   |   +9  572 1809 |
| Blink             6/ 1  0  0  1  3  3  0   0  2 34:57 |  60102/ 53506  52% |  45  12 |    5-0   |   16/9   |  +31  553 2013 |
| X FORCE           0/ 1  0  1  0  3  1  1   1  0 18:15 |  25362/ 31852  44% |  34  17 |    2-0   |    0/1   |    0  501 1636 |
|  chrono           1/ 1  0  0  0  1  2  0   0  0 16:38 |  18671/ 30241  38% |  50  12 |    3-0   |    2/1   |   +4  517 1295 |
| TOTAL:           12/ 6  1  2  2 10 16  3   5  6       | 215693/236104      |  46  14 |   19-0   |   40/20  |   +9  527 1631 |
Stats for this game can be viewed at: http://svssubspace.com/?page=Game&id=1298584
MVP: Blink (+31)      -- Runner Up: Charlie Sheen (+9)
LVP: Sith Lord (-16)      -- Runner Up: treachen (-5)
   Crescendo> gg
       Durge> Blink'd
 YELLOW HAMM> gg watchmen
         ivf> gg
       Benji> gg
   Sith Lord> no it wasn't
       Three> !schedule
      cfl+-+> .schedule
Need pilots to duel in ?go duel - Gambit
       Blink> gg
   Crescendo> !results assassins
   Sith Lord> this game is stupid
7 players needed for a 4v4 practice in ?go 4v4squad1 -Gambit
   Sith Lord> i lost a full ship at GO

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