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Season 01 of Pro League ran from July to December, 1997.

Summary[edit | edit source]

Competing Teams : The Alliance, Apocalypse, B.I.A.[1], Black Company, Black Dragon, Black Hole, Conclusive, Detention, Doomsday, Dukes Of Hazzard, FuN!, Harvester Of Sorrow, Heaven's Army, High Rez, Illuminati, Infinite Death, Knightz, Lemon Zinger, Lost Rocks, Meatmen[2], Mysterious, ONE, Paradox, Pharcyde, Phatboys Elite, Predators, Punishers, ReDS, , \Redshift/, Requiem, Silver_Ring, Soultakers, Starfire Elite, Striker Elite, Synergy, Templar Knights, United Kindred, Un-Lawful, Vulture Squadron, Warhawks, Warriors of Rage[1], Winds Of War, X2.
Champions: ONE. Runners-Up: Black Company

Waiting List[edit | edit source]

Note that for a large number of the following teams (and players) there is currently no citable proof that they were indeed admitted to and played league. There is no further record for these entities in this case. Also note that if a team did end up in the league, its reference here will be shown in gray and the associated captain - if known - will not be shown in this data but can be accessed via the team's page.
As at June 12th, 1997 (one month prior to start of Season 01), teams were invited to join waiting lists for each or either Pro League or Amateur League. The following is a list of teams registered as waiting, along with the supplied captain's name:

  • (original) AML Season 01 : Absolute Adrenaline (Cake 77), Black Circle (0Nethervoid), Blood Knights (Klunker), Coroner (Brain Hemmorage), Dei Tonitri (UrGrue), Infrared Attack (C-Wolf), Krazy Aces (Epinephrine), Mega Men (Mega Man I), mostly harmless (Tihajuaninaco), Ole Miss (Estes), Phatboys-Am (Xenite), <The Phreaks> (The-Reaper), Picklemen (Homey Rap Pickle), Porn Stars (Ron_Jeremy), Red-Wings (Lord Wack), Seekers of Truth (Tursiops), -ShadowS- (SS Target), Soul Boys (Tusk_), Strange Brew (307th_Sapper), Warriors of Rage
  • Pro League Season 01 : Black Sky (The Black), Black Star (Cignal), Conclusive, The Drifters (Lice Seeker), ELITE (X-acutioner), xx Entropy xx (B-Guy), Fire Starters (Inde.), Flammable (Clash), \Infinity/ (Pitlord X), Negligence (Neg Lord), The Phantom Lords (Blade|SB|), Sons of Darkness (Live'n), Spinal Fluid Elite (Schlep), Striker-W (vipyr), Sub-X (SilverEagle-X), United Kindred, Vortex (Steel Force), WarEagles (Zuper), Warp Speed (Turin)
  • Either League : AoD (Elite) (Zol Trix), Alliance of War X (helblazer), B.I.A., Blue Angels^^^ (Capt. Odysseus), BlueDragon (MaddMaxx), Division (prototype.), Green felt (8 ball), The Holy Jihad (Blind Job), Jade Wolf (?), Raptors (DrkKnight), Steel Talons (Tunage), WTF? (The Slurpster)
  • Failed to choose league preference : BlackRain (SkyJack), Black Star-War (Unbeatable!), BOMB (Ballistic Bomber), Captors of Sin (Slayer), Constipation (Constipator), Death Makers (DM>Vectorboy), Legendary Fleet (Wrigleyfield), Nautica 1 (Kid_vb), Phase One (Carletto), \Redshift/, Toshiba (Infinia), Wild Cards (?), Zodiac Squadron (Shadowfox)

Divisional Split[edit | edit source]

  • Nebulous Conference was originally to be called Galactic Conference.
  • An earlier schedule posted on Subzone's Pro League News bore a small few changes. Forlorn was listed (later to be replaced by Predators), as was Adrenaline, which would make way for Detention. Black Hole and Silver Rings were to swap divisions before season's start.
Nebulous Orion
Aries Taurus Gemini Scorpio Capricorn Aquarius
Harvester Of Sorrow Black Company Black Hole The Alliance Heaven's Army Apocalypse
Paradox Infinite Death Conclusive Dukes Of Hazzard High Rez Black Dragon
Predators Lost Rocks Detention ONE Illuminati FuN!
Punishers Phatboys Elite Doomsday Pharcyde Lemon Zinger Knightz
Soultakers ReDs Requiem United Kindred Mysterious Starfire Elite
Striker Elite \RedShift/ Templar Knights Winds of War Silver_Ring Vulture Squadron
Warhawks Synergy X2 Unlawful

Results[edit | edit source]

Regular Season[edit | edit source]

"Regular Season: 20 weeks long, consisting of 2 weekend "rounds" until
every team has played 10 games. Every team will play each division
rival once, and then the remaining games will be played against
assigned inter-conference rivals."

"If a team drops out of the League, a waiting list team will take their place as a "pacer" team. The "pacer" will not receive a record, but games against them will still count as a win or loss." - Egoslasher

The following are the initial schedules.

  • Dates may have changed - either via postponements or in toto;
  • Matchups might also have changed, whether through teams dropping out or wholesale changes to the schedule as posted.
  • All of Requiem's matches were shown by the squad's website to align with the wrong conference, suggesting that either the entire season was pushed back a week or the dates for the two conferences were transposed.
  • Any conflicting information is described through commentary or notation.

Round 1 - July 13, 1997 :
Nebulous Conference :
Requiem 11 def Detention 7 (played July 19)
Black Hole def Templar Knights
Warhawks v Harvester Of Sorrow
Soultakers v Predators
Striker Elite v Paradox
Punishers v Lost Rocks
Phatboys Elite v Black Company
ReDs v Synergy
Infinite Death v \Redshift/
Doomsday v Conclusive
Round 1 - July 20, 1997 :
Orion Conference :
ONE v X2
The Alliance v Dukes Of Hazzard
Winds Of War v Pharcyde
United Kindred v Un-Lawful
Silver_Ring v Mysterious
Lemon Zinger v Heaven's Army
High Rez v Illuminati
Starfire Elite v Black Dragon
Vulture Squadron v Knightz
Apocalypse v FuN!

Round 2 - July 27, 1997 :
Nebulous Conference :
Requiem 12 def Doomsday 7 (played August 1)
Black Hole def Conclusive
Warhawks v Soultakers
Harvester Of Sorrow v Predators
Striker Elite v Punishers
Paradox v Phatboys Elite
Lost Rocks v Black Company
ReDs v Infinite Death
Synergy v \Redshift/
Detention v Templar Knights
Round 2 - August 3, 1997 :
Orion Conference :
ONE v The Alliance
X2 v Dukes Of Hazzard
Winds Of War v United Kindred
Pharcyde v Silver_Ring
Un-Lawful v Mysterious
Lemon Zinger v High Rez
Heaven's Army v Illuminati
Starfire Elite v Vulture Squadron
Black Dragon v Apocalypse
Knightz v FuN!

Round 3 - August 10, 1997 :
Nebulous Conference :
Requiem 12 def \Redshift/ 5 (played August 15)
Black Hole def Doomsday
Warhawks v Predators
Harvester Of Sorrow v Soultakers
Striker Elite v Black Company
Paradox v Punishers
Lost Rocks v Phatboys Elite
ReDs v Detention
Synergy v Infinite Death
Templar Knights v Conclusive
Round 3 - August 17, 1997 :
Orion Conference :
ONE v Dukes Of Hazzard
X2 v The Alliance
Winds Of War v Mysterious
Pharcyde v United Kindred
Un-Lawful v Silver_Ring
Lemon Zinger v Starfire Elite
Heaven's Army v High Rez
Illuminati v Black Dragon
Vulture Squadron v FuN!
Knightz v Apocalypse

Round 4 - August 24, 1997 :
Nebulous Conference :
Requiem 9 def Conclusive 0 (played August 30)
Black Hole def Detention
Warhawks v Striker Elite
Harvester Of Sorrow v Paradox
Soultakers v Punishers
Predators v Synergy
Lost Rocks v ReDs
Phatboys Elite v \Redshift/
Black Company v Infinite Death
Templar Knights v Doomsday
Round 4 - August 31, 1997 :
Orion Conference :
ONE v Winds Of War
X2 v Pharcyde
The Alliance v United Kindred
Dukes Of Hazzard v Heaven's Army
Un-Lawful v Lemon Zinger
Silver_Ring v Illuminati
Mysterious v High Rez
Starfire Elite v Knightz
Black Dragon v FuN!
Vulture Squadron v Apocalypse

Round 5 - September 7, 1997 :
Nebulous Conference :
Requiem11 def Predators 3 (September 15)
Black Hole def ReDs
Warhawks v Detention
Harvester Of Sorrow v Punishers
Soultakers v Paradox
Striker Elite v Doomsday
Lost Rocks v \Redshift/
Phatboys Elite v Infinite Death
Black Company v Templar Knights
Synergy v Conclusive
Round 5 - September 14, 1997 :
Orion Conference :
ONE v Starfire Elite
X2 v United Kindred
The Alliance v Pharcyde
Dukes Of Hazzard v Black Dragon
Winds Of War v Apocalypse
Un-Lawful v Illuminati
Silver_Ring v High Rez
Mysterious v Vulture Squadron
Lemon Zinger v Knightz
Heaven's Army v FuN!

Round 6 - September 21, 1997 :
Nebulous Conference :
Requiem 12 def Warriors of Rage 3 (played September 29 - originally scheduled opponent was Infinite Death)
Black Hole def Paradox
Warhawks v Templar Knights
Harvester Of Sorrow v Lost Rocks
Soultakers v Doomsday
Predators v Striker Elite
Punishers v Conclusive
Phatboys Elite v Detention
Black Company v Synergy
ReDs v \Redshift/
Round 6 - September 28, 1997 :
Orion Conference :
ONE v Vulture Squadron
X2 v Un-Lawful
The Alliance v Apocalypse
Dukes Of Hazzard v Winds Of War
Pharcyde v Knightz
United Kindred v FuN!
Silver_Ring v Starfire_Elite
Mysterious v Heaven's Army
Lemon Zinger v Illuminati
High Rez v Black Dragon

Round 7 - October 5, 1997 :
Nebulous Conference :
Requiem 8 def B.I.A. 6 (played October 14, originally scheduled opponent was Punishers)
Black Hole def Phatboys Elite
Warhawks v ReDs
Harvester Of Sorrow v Infinite Death
Soultakers v Synergy
Predators v Detention
Striker Elite v Conclusive
Paradox v \Redshift/
Lost Rocks v Templar Knights
Black Company v Doomsday
Round 7 - October 12, 1997 :
Orion Conference :
ONE v Lemon Zinger
X2 v High Rez
The Alliance v Heaven's Army
Dukes Of Hazzard v Starfire Elite
Winds Of War v FuN!
Pharcyde v Illuminati
United Kindred v Black Dragon
Un-Lawful v Vulture Squadron
Silver_Ring v Knightz
Mysterious v Apocalypse

Round 8 - October 19, 1997 :
Nebulous Conference :
Harvester Of Sorrow 8 def Requiem 4 (played November 1)
Black Hole def Lost Rocks
Warhawks v Infinite Death
Soultakers v \Redshift/
Predators v Phatboys Elite
Striker Elite v ReDs
Paradox v Templar Knights
Punishers v Doomsday
Black Company v Conclusive
Synergy v Detention
Round 8 - October 26, 1997 :
Orion Conference :
ONE v High Rez
X2 v Black Dragon
The Alliance v Illuminati
Dukes Of Hazzard v Silver_Ring
Winds Of War v Lemon Zinger
Pharcyde v Vulture Squadron
United Kindred v Apocalypse
Un-Lawful v Knightz
Mysterious v FuN!
Heaven's Army v Starfire Elite

Round 9 - November 2, 1997 :
Nebulous Conference :
Requiem 12 def Templar Knights 6 (played November 14)
Black Hole def Soultakers
Warhawks v Paradox
Harvester Of Sorrow v Striker Elite
Predators v Punishers
Lost Rocks v Synergy
Phatboys Elite v ReDs
Black Company v \Redshift/
Infinite Death v Conclusive
Detention v Doomsday
Round 9 - November 9, 1997 :
Orion Conference :
ONE v Pharcyde
X2 v Winds Of War
The Alliance v Knightz
Dukes Of Hazzard v United Kindred
Un-Lawful v Heaven's Army
Silver Ring v Lemon Zinger
Mysterious v Illuminati
High Rez v FuN!
Starfire Elite v Apocalypse
Black Dragon v Vulture Squadron

Round 10 - November 16, 1997 :
Nebulous Conference :
Black Hole 12 def Requiem 2 (played December 1)
Warhawks v Punishers
Harvester Of Sorrow v Templar Knights
Soultakers v Striker Elite
Predators v Paradox
Lost Rocks v Infinite Death
Phatboys Elite v Synergy
Black Company v ReDs
\Redshift/ v Doomsday
Detention v Conclusive
Round 10 - November 23, 1997 :
Orion Conference :
ONE v United Kindred
X2 v Vulture Squadron
The Alliance v Winds Of War
Dukes Of Hazzard v Pharcyde
Un-Lawful v High Rez
Silver_Ring v Heaven's Army
Mysterious v Lemon Zinger
Illuminati v Apocalypse
Starfire Elite v FuN!
Black Dragon v Knightz

Standings[edit | edit source]

Standings data not yet available.

Play-Offs[edit | edit source]

"6 playoff teams per Conference, the 3 division winners and 3 wildcards. 
The two Conference winners play the Championship game. "
- Egoslasher

Play-Offs - December 6, 1997 :
Requiem 5 def Harvester Of Sorrow 4
Mysterious v Lemon Zinger
Soultakers def ReDS
Black Company, Black Hole - BYE

Quarter-Finals - December 14, 1997 :
Requiem 11 def Black Hole 6
ONE def Dukes Of Hazzard
Black Company def Soultakers

Semi-Finals - January 6, 1998 :
Black Company 8 def Requiem 1
ONE def Apocalypse

Finals - ??? ??, ???? :
ONE def Black Company

External Links[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Commenced mid-season
  2. Peeking Duck? was of the belief Meatmen played in Season 01, but if so, they must have joined mid-season

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